Signs He Regrets Cheating On You And Needs A Second Chance

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Updated: January 31, 2025

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why do men cheat?

The Biggest Blow To A Relationship

Did your partner cheat on you, and now you are looking for signs he regrets cheating?

If yes, this article will provide some unique and accurate signs to confirm your partner’s regret.

Cheating is one of the most unfortunate incidents in a relationship.

Most relationships suffer a breakup once one of the partners cheats.

But when this difficult moment comes, holding on to the last ray of hope can save the relationship.

This last ray of hope is finding out whether your partner cheated on purpose or was it a mistake.

Understandably, the situation after cheating is such that the other person is not in the mood to ask or know anything.

It seems that cheating is cheating, and once it happens, there isn’t a way out to keep the relationship alive.

But it’s also true that you should not decide the fate of your relationship based on a single mistake.

Everyone deserves a second chance, especially when your partner regrets their mistake and begs forgiveness.

Thus, it’s wise to give them another opportunity and save your relationship from an isolated blow.

But the question is, how do you find out whether your partner regrets cheating?

You can use specific established or proven signs to confirm your partner’s honest mistake.

Let’s one by one look at the signs of his regret after he cheated on you.

Signs He Regrets Cheating On You

signs he regrets cheating

There are nine precise signs he regrets cheating on you, is genuinely sorry, and will not repeat this mistake.

He Immediately Confesses To You

The first sign he regrets cheating on you is his immediate confession.

If your partner had no plans of cheating on you and it happened by mistake, the first thing he does is to come and tell you.

They won’t fear telling you or run in the opposite direction because they know it was an honest mistake.

They know they can explain it to you in a way you would understand.

Also, since you are their best friend and confidant, they genuinely believe you would understand and forgive them.

So, they neither try to manipulate you nor do they try to hide it from you.

They reveal it to you as soon as they can so that you can find a way to save the relationship.

This honest confession of his shows that it was a genuine mistake and that he truly regrets cheating on you.

He Takes Full Responsibility For His Act

signs he regrets cheating

The second sign he regrets cheating on you is that he owns full responsibility for the horrific incident.

Some people blame it on their partners after cheating on them.

They blame their partners for not being there for them when they needed them.

But it has no substance and is only a way to divert attention from the horrific act they have committed.

It’s the perfect defense mechanism for a repeat offender and someone who has cheated on their partners purposefully.

Thus, not owning responsibility for cheating tells that the person doesn’t regret their action and most likely did it knowingly.

By the same logic, if your partner takes full responsibility for cheating on you, it shows that they regret their actions.

They don’t want you to feel bad for their mistake.

They are determined to save the relationship by showing you their willingness to improve.

These things indicate that forgiving your partner for cheating on you might be a good idea.

Here is a step-by-step way to forgive your cheating but regretful partner.

how to forgive a cheating but regretful partner

(This is an affiliate link. If you choose to purchase, I may earn a small commission at no extra cost to you.)

This bestseller on forgiving and forgetting painful memories might also be of immense help to you.

He Is Ready To Undergo Any Punishment

The third sign he regrets cheating on you is their willingness to face the consequences of his mistake.

If your cheating partner shows his willingness to face the consequences of his actions, it’s a sign he regrets cheating on you.

A person who cheats on purpose doesn’t think he has done anything wrong, so he doesn’t want to be punished.

Such people do not value their partners or the relationship they are in.

Thus, they would be ready for a breakup but not for getting punished for cheating on their partner.

People who cheat on purpose love only themselves and are inherently incapable of loving someone else.

However, your partner’s readiness to go to any extent to save the relationship shows that he regrets cheating on you.

He sees the punishment as a solution to the situation he has put you into.

He knows being punished will not erase his mistake, but it may still provide a way forward for the relationship.

By showing his readiness to undergo any punishment, he wants to prove that it was an honest mistake that will never happen again.

It shows that he is deeply regretful for cheating on you.

He Apologises To You Multiple Times

signs he regrets cheating

The fourth sign he regrets cheating on you is apologizing to you multiple times for his mistake.

When a cheating partner has cheated you out of planning, even one apology becomes difficult for them.

The foul psychology behind it is that he hasn’t done anything so wrong that he needs to apologize.

He thinks it to be something very normal for him to do, almost a right.

He doesn’t even care about going to his partner and consoling them.

He thinks his partner will get better with time and forget everything soon.

So, he never apologizes.

If your partner has apologized to you multiple times, it signifies an utterly different psychology after cheating.

For such people, cheating on their partners affects them deeply.

They are in shock and do not know how to make things right.

They would happily roll time back and set things right if they had a time machine.

But since it’s not an option, they try to wash away the guilt and their partner’s pain by apologizing.

They keep giving you multiple apologies to make you believe that they are sorry.

They also give multiple apologies in the hope and desperation of saving the relationship.

They do not see any other way to come out of the situation.

The more they apologize, the more guilty they feel, which makes them apologize even more.

In short, multiple apologies show that your cheating partner is grieving inside and is full of regret for cheating on you. 

He Promises Never To Repeat The Mistake Again

The fifth sign he regrets cheating on you is promising not to repeat his mistake.

A promise doesn’t guarantee that the offender will not repeat their mistake.

But it’s still a message that they genuinely regret their mistake.

People who do not regret cheating on their partners prevent themselves from making any such commitments.

Or at least, they cannot make such commitments with conviction, which you can easily notice.

They do not like restrictions or boundaries on them, not even to make their partners feel better after inflicting pain.

But if your cheating partner, with their whole heart, promises not to repeat their behavior, it does mean something.

It tells you that he is willing to change his ways and is ready to give all he has to make it happen.

He needs your forgiveness, understanding, and support to improve.

Here are 19 things you can do to help a regretful cheating partner change.

Ways to Help a Regretful Cheating Partner Change

It may be challenging for you to help or support them after what they have done.

But if you want to be sensible and wise and prevent a promising relationship from going to waste, you should consider trusting his promise.

He Is Unable To Make Eye-Contact With You

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The sixth sign he regrets cheating on you is his inability to make eye contact.

If a person regrets cheating on their partner, they are ashamed of themselves.

Even if their partners forgive them, the cheating partner might still not be able to look in their partner’s eyes.

It’s because they know the gravity of the mistake they have committed.

They have broken their partner’s trust and have endangered a healthy and promising relationship.

So, it’s natural for them to feel incredibly guilty and incapable of forgiving themselves.

This guilt and the pain of letting you down no longer lets them live with pride or dignity.

They live in regret and seek ways to redeem themselves.

And till it happens, they might not be able to face you like they used to do before committing the horrendous act.

His shame is a significant enough sign of his regret for cheating on you.

He Exhibits A ‘Shocked With Self’ Body Language

The seventh sign he regrets cheating on you is their ‘Shocked with self’ body language.

When a person cheats on their partner, it appears they did it purposefully.

And it’s only their partners who should be surprised with what they have done.

But the reality is quite different in the case of a regretful cheating partner.

If your partner has cheated upon you and is regretting it, they will appear as shocked with themselves as you are with them.

The fact is that many times, people are not one with themselves.

They may be faithful partners and good people, but sometimes, they do things that they can’t explain.

Once they commit an arbitrary act like cheating, they wonder how it happened or how they could do it.

If they cannot figure it out or forgive themselves, specific body language might be visible in their physical demeanor.

These physical behaviors include extreme facial sadness, crying, or visibly frustrated body language like punching the wall, screaming, etc.

If any of these physical behaviors or body language is visible in your cheating partner, it means they deeply regret their action.

He Showcases More Visible & Lasting Signs Of Remorse

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The eighth sign he regrets cheating on you is him exhibiting other visible signs of remorse.

Apart from short-term physical behaviors like sadness, crying, or shouting, there are other long-term visible signs of a regretful cheating partner. 

These include imposing voluntary solitary confinement on self and not being in a psychological state to meet anybody.

They may be in a temporary phase of extreme trauma or depression that comes with committing a shocking and horrific act.

Your partner may do it not only as a sign of shame and guilt but also for deep self-reflection, transformation, and rediscovering themselves.

It shows that they might have committed the act of cheating, but they aren’t an evil person per se.

When in this self-imposed solitary confinement, if they try to call you, it’s an added sign that they regret their action.

It shows that their action deeply hurt them, and they are worried about losing you or sabotaging the relationship.

When a person who has cheated on their partner imposes penance onto himself, there can’t be any more significant sign of regret within him.

He Shows Fast And Big Self-Improvements

The last sign he regrets cheating on you is fast and significant improvements in him.

Any change or improvement in a person can only come if they want it to take effect.

It can only happen when there is a profound realization of their mistake or something very wrong with them.

If your partner who has cheated on you is beginning to show dramatic improvements, both as a partner and as a person, it means they regretted cheating on you. 

These changes may involve him becoming more caring, responsible, and sensitive to your feelings and expectations of him.

It shows they are shocked by their horrific act and desperately want to make amends.

They want to work on themselves and become a person who is incapable of cheating on their partner ever again.

They want to win your trust back and make you believe you did not make a mistake by giving them another chance. 

It means that if your partner shows fast and significant improvements in them, they regretted cheating on you and are now trying to compensate for it.

Be The Bigger Person In Your Relationship

signs he regrets cheating

If your partner has cheated on you, you should prevent yourself from acting impulsively.

Instead you should try to ascertain if it was a genuine mistake and whether he regrets it.

Everyone commits mistakes, and they deserve forgiveness at least once.

If your partner cheated on you and you can’t forgive him, do it anyway if you notice one or all of the signs discussed above.

Please take this opportunity to become more open and save your relationship from negativity, impulsivity, and adamancy.

When you and your partner are healed individually, you might also need to heal as a couple.

Here are 11 things you can do to heal together.

Ways to Heal Together After Forgiving a Cheating Partner

Getting a helpful couples counseling session may be necessary and of immense value at this point.

Remember, if your partner regrets cheating on you and you breakup with them, it may be a loss you will regret years later.

So, put your wisest foot forward in your relationship by forgiving your regretful cheating partner.

It will give ‘Love’ another chance and help you hold onto self-love.

Together, love and self-love will make your life beautiful and worth living.


Do men cheat voluntarily?

Not all men cheat on purpose, but some men do. 

These men are habitual of cheating on their partners. They get pleasure in inflicting emotional pain on their partners. 

Some men do not see cheating as something wrong. So, they do it without any regret whatsoever. 

Men who cheat voluntarily have a difficult childhood or a dark past

To spot such men, you should ask them about their views on cheating and see their attitude on the issue. 

You should find out about their past relationships and ensure they tell you the truth.

Most men regret their actions after cheating on their partners. 

They are filled with guilt and self-loathing, so much so that they can’t make eye contact with their partners. 

They regret being impulsive, risking their relationship, and inviting the risk of losing their partners. 

The regret in men who cheat is so intense that they aren’t able to forgive themselves for a very long time.

This guilt generally changes them as a person and makes their lives worse. Hence, the partners of such men must forgive them and give them another chance.

Observing their demeanor is the best way to find out if your partner is lying about cheating. 

If they are too defensive or overly confident about it, there’s a good chance they are lying to you. 

Also, check whether they can make eye contact with you while answering your questions on whether they have cheated on you

Have a long chat about it and then see if everything they have said adds up. You can also investigate the issue through external sources.

To make your partner admit that they cheated on you, you can use two approaches. 

First, ask them if they want to confess something to you. Tell them you will understand if it’s a genuine mistake and forgive them. Also, give them a final warning by saying they won’t get this opportunity with you thereafter. 

The second way is to gather evidence and be ready with it if your partner denies or does not confess their act of cheating. Given the circumstances, if they did, they would have to admit cheating on you.

Men can behave in three different ways after they have cheated on their partners.

First, if they truly regret their actions, they start talking less and avoid meeting anyone, especially their partners. 

Second, if they regret but are also scared of the consequences, they undergo a temporary inner turmoil

During this time, they will appear extremely anxious and under-confident. They will also try to avoid their partners till they recover from the shock. 

Third, they start showing a higher level of confidence to hide their cheating act. 

They fear that underconfidence or vulnerability might expose them in front of their partners.

Most of the cheating men do realize what they have lost. 

They understand that their relationship might not be the same ever again. 

They also know that they might lose their partners forever if they told them. 

Different cheating men respond differently to these feelings

Some decide to tell their partners about it as they realize that they can’t do another wrong thing by hiding their actions. 

On the other hand, some keep hiding it to stretch the normalcy of the relationship or the relationship itself before it falls apart.

A cheating man’s mind is under the influence of lust, numbness, and a complete lack of control over himself. 

Men who cheat on their partners almost forget that they have a partner who they love deeply. 

Most of the time, it’s not insensitivity but a lack of self-control. 

They get into a self-destructive mode where they realize what they have done only after everything is destroyed. 

They are entirely cut off from the real world, and their body enslaves their mind. 

So, it won’t be wrong to say that a cheating man’s mind is blank and totally in control of his physicality.

Yes. Most men regret losing a good woman after cheating on them. 

They cheat these women not out of planning but due to a lack of self-control. 

After their cheating act, when women break up with them, they go into deep remorse.

 They know the value a good woman brings to the table and their life, and they miss it. 

They realize that by losing control over themselves, they have lost their chance with stability, peace, and beauty that comes only with true love. 

They also recognize that they have made their life far worse than what it could have been.

If you have given them a second chance, you can observe and find out if a cheater has changed his ways. 

The most significant sign of a man who has cheated in the past but is no longer a cheater is that they become calmer and more reserved. 

They make their social circle smaller and meet a lesser number of people. 

It happens mainly due to the regret of losing a great partner and a promising relationship. 

Doing so helps them figure out and transform themselves. Thus, if you see a noticeable change in a cheating man’s social behavior, in all likeliness, he has changed.

It’s crucial not to panic or overthink what has happened. 

Next, without trying to stay “sane,” let yourself go into a shock, as it will help you accept it. 

Do not overreact to the situation, either. 

Let your partner explain himself and get away from him for some time. 

In the meantime, live with a friend who cares for you. Talk to them, explain how you feel. 

Once you feel better, decide whether to forgive and give him another chance or move on. 

In any case, let the incident grow you and not break you.

If your partner has cheated on you and you fear they will leave you, give them the freedom to do so and stay unperturbed. 

Also, ignore them, and if & when you come across them, portray yourself as happy without them. 

Remember, it wasn’t you who did anything wrong, which is why you deserve to be satisfied

Your confidence will not only make them doubt themselves but also repent their cheating act. 

They will feel they have made a mistake, making them desperate to have you back.

If your partner has cheated you in the past and you doubt they are cheating again, recall their behavior the last time they cheated you.

It may be the inability to make eye contact with you, ignoring you completely, or loving you more than they usually do.

If you think they are exhibiting any of these behaviors, they may be cheating on you again.

To confirm it, you should ask some genuine questions regarding their behavior. See for signs of lying and then ask them directly about it.

Yes. All men are generally portrayed as cheaters, but this is not true. 

Most men regret after they cheat on their partners. 

But regret is at its highest when they cheat for the first time. And this is where they need to be forgiven and given a second chance. 

If you don’t, they may become chronic cheaters, and the regret within them keeps falling to eventually reach a point where they stop seeing cheating as a wrong thing. 

Such men do not regret cheating at all.

Anyone can make a mistake, and love has nothing to do with it. 

Love isn’t a boundation but a realization that might sometimes come after a man has cheated on his partner. 

So, if your partner cheated on you, you should not take away your love but give him another chance, provided he is regretful. 

But if the man is a repeat cheater, they don’t love you. If a man truly loves you, he won’t risk the relationship again. 

To summarize, a man cannot love you but also keep cheating on you repeatedly.

If it was a genuine mistake, cheaters realize it as soon as they come back to their senses after cheating. 

But if the cheater is a repeat offender, they will “realize their mistake” only when you appear better than the woman they cheated you with. 

Also, if you do not show them that their cheating act has pained you, it will confuse them and trick them into realizing their mistake. 

But a repeat offender never really realizes their mistake and would cheat again.

The signs that he doesn’t regret cheating on you are the following:

  1. They would lie to you about it.
  2. They will not accept it even if you have evidence.
  3. They would call your reaction an overreaction. 
  4. They will not say ‘Sorry.’
  5. They would not care about you forgiving them.
  6. They will blame you for it.
  7. They will be okay with you breaking up with them.
  8. They will call you a cheater to distract you.
  9. They will keep meeting the person they cheated you with.
  10. Life will go on as usual for them.

If you see any of the above signs in a cheating man, it must be clear that he doesn’t regret cheating on you.

5 signs he will cheat again are:

  1. If he lied to you about cheating the first time.
  2. If he “recovers” quickly from the regret.
  3. If he says hurtful things about cheating on you.
  4. If no positive change occurs in him after the incident, for example, becoming indifferent to female attention.
  5. If he still keeps secrets from you regarding such matters.

Talk to him about all these issues until he provides answers that convince you. If they don’t, it’s another sign that he might cheat again.

Yes. A man who has been unfaithful several times knows how to cheat and get away with it. 

If he didn’t know how to fake regret after cheating, he would probably not cheat on his partner. 

What happens is that he begins by cheating by mistake, but when he discovers he is good at concealing it, he becomes a chronic cheater. 

He had the seed of cheating within him, and when he learns to hide his act of cheating, it corrupts his integrity & character. 

So, the ability to fake regret makes him a chronic cheater. 

Chronic cheaters are men who are incapable of loving anybody. 

They will only ape genuine regret like ‘cheaters by mistake’ do, but actually, they cheat on purpose without having an iota of regret within them.

Everyone deserves forgiveness if the mistake is genuine and if the person is already suffering his actions, psychologically. 

But if the mistake is as grave as cheating, it cannot be forgiven endlessly. 

It’s because multiple acts of cheating are insensitive, and they show that your man doesn’t truly love you and that he isn’t willing to improve. 

Thus, cheating men do deserve forgiveness, but only if they are truthful about it, their apology is heartfelt, they are willing to improve, and they do not repeat the horrific act in the future.

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