18 Timeless Activities For Self Love You Should Practice

Table of Contents

Activities To Promote Self-Love


Do you wish to embark on a self-love journey but are unsure where to start?

If you are looking for practical ways to develop self-love, this blog is meant for you.

Many people who understand self-love think they have already established it within themselves and their lives.

But knowing what self-love is doesn’t necessarily mean that you love yourself.

Whether you love yourself or not isn’t confirmed by what you feel.

There must be some solid proof of it that you can confirm regularly.

You must know the self-love activities and perform them consistently to say that you genuinely love yourself.

List of Activities For Self-Love

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If you want to start loving yourself, try to pursue the below-mentioned activities.

Activities for self-love can be put under two broad heads:

  1. Spiritual Activities For Self-Love
  1. Physical Activities For Self-Love


Spiritual Activities For Self-Love 

The spiritual activities for self-love relate to your mind and thoughts. Here are some of the most practical spiritual activities for establishing and enhancing self-love.

Taking Proper Rest


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The first of the spiritual activities for self-love is proper rest.

Sometimes, we get so busy in life that we forget to give ourselves much-deserved and much-needed rest.

We keep running to get better and to have more than everyone else, and in the process, we become part of the mindless race.

We forget that we are human and that our body and mind need rest.

If you have been depriving your body of restful sleep and relaxation, it’s time to show some self-love to yourself.

Choose to get out of the race and give yourself some leisure time.

Calm down, relax, and get some sound sleep to rejuvenate yourself.

When adequately rested, your true happy self will blossom spontaneously, and you will realize what you were missing until that moment.


Practicing Spiritual Well-Being Techniques


The second spiritual activity for self-love is pursuing spiritual well-being.

Spiritual well-being techniques include Meditation, pranayama, and Yoga.

Meditation drags stress out of you and develops inner peace and tranquility.

It trains you to stay calm even in life’s most challenging and stressful situations.

Practicing daily meditation solves every small or big problem in your life in your mind, allowing you to execute your solution to perfection.

Similarly, Pranayama, which means breath exercise, helps you develop natural control over your breath.

It automatically resolves many mental and physical issues.


Yoga is concerned with developing mental & physical balance in your life to remain healthy and disease-free.

Yoga aims to achieve a harmonious mind and body, allowing you to function at your highest potential.

It also provides flexibility to the mind & body and eliminates any stress energy trapped in your body.

In short, Yoga removes all the rigidity within you to make you a human being with its highest capability.

Thus, meditation, Pranayama, and Yoga promote and enhance self-love within you in a way you can’t imagine.

It can only be felt and experienced when you pursue them regularly.


Treating Your Mind As Temple


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The next spiritual activity for self-love is mind sanctification.

A temple is a place where positive energy is created and resides.

Nothing impure or evil can ever enter this space.

Mind sanctification is the conversion of your mind into a temple.

Once your mind becomes a temple, it won’t harbor anything negative, harmful, or evil.

It will eventually make you incapable of entertaining thoughts or emotions against you or anybody else.

Thus, your mind would become a temple that would only be filled with the right, positive, and productive thoughts and emotions.

According to a templed mind, even thoughts that don’t relate to the present are wrong.

It would keep you totally in the present and always upbeat and energetic.

To turn your mind into a templed mind, you need constant effort & practice.

Whenever an “impure” thought or emotion visits your mind, you need to drag it out and shut the doors of your mind on it.

Templing your mind is a great activity for self-love, as the mind is the source of everything that happens in your life.

If and when you convert your mind into a temple, you can take positive control of your life into your own hands.


Mental Organisation


The next spiritual activity for self-love is mental organization.

A mind that is not organized is chaotic and, hence, all over the place.

An unorganized mind has too many thoughts running over here and there.

Such thoughts have no boundaries, and hence, they often go out of your control, which troubles you.

It gives you a lot of stress as there is always too much going on without any direction.

A chaotic mind is also weak on the memory front, which makes tasks difficult for you to accomplish.

To summarise, an unorganized mind increases your instability and reduces your overall confidence.

Thus, you must build a mental organization within your mind to showcase self-compassion.

Also, an organized mind is an asset as it allows you to stay calm, think clearly, and use your intelligence to its full potential.

Thus, organizing your mind is a critical aspect of self-growth.

It’s not too difficult to establish either.

It is fun!

You have to divide the various areas of your life into heads, subheads, and minor heads.

If you need, you can make a written note of it to make things easier.

When each area of your life is arranged and organized inside your head, negative or random thoughts will no longer exist.


Your whole life would be sketched inside your head like a mental map.

Thus, you could take greater and better control of your life into your hands.


Building Self-Belief


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The next among the spiritual activities for self-love is building self-belief.

Self-belief is when you feel that you can do and achieve anything you want to in life.

Only when you have faith in yourself and your ability will you be able to respect and love yourself more.

For a person with self-belief, self-love comes naturally.

However, self-belief is lacking in most people today.

The roots of self-belief lie in self-esteem and self-trust.

If you think yourself to be weak and good for nothing, you will not trust yourself with anything, which will keep your self-belief miles away.

Also, if you let people demean and insult you because you don’t see your self-worth, your self-belief and self-love will not improve.

Thus, you need to enhance your self-esteem.

Do not let people make fun of you or look down upon you.

You do not have to fight or insult them in return.

You have to stand up for yourself and protect your self-respect.

But you can do so when you learn to value yourself first.

So, to begin with, think of the things you don’t like about yourself.

They may be lazy or have low knowledge or intelligence.

Then, work hard & smart on these things and improve them.

Your self-esteem will develop when you respect & value yourself and don’t let others demean you.

And with time, self-trust and self-belief would also be there within you, enhancing your self-love immensely.




The next among the spiritual activities for self love is praying.

God is not only the external god you know about or worship on the outside.

There is a god within you too that listens to your true or highest self.

Thus, praying is of 3 types.

The first type of prayer is the normal prayer that you do aimed at God.

These prayers keep you striving to become a better person.

You also ask God to protect you and fulfill your wishes.

All these things you do show self love and thus enhance it when you pray regularly.

The second type of prayer is positive affirmations.

These are aimed at the God within you.

You keep repeating the good things you want for yourself and finally manifest them.

Thus, praying to the god that resides within you to make your life better is also an exhibition of self love.

Next and the final type of prayer that is also aimed at the god within you is self-talk.

Talking to yourself to guide you in the right direction esp. in moments of distress is also a kind of prayer for instant results.

The fact that self-talk is done to protect and guide you in the present also shows self love.

This is why praying is one of the spiritual activities for self love.



The next among the spiritual activities for self love is self-evolution.

Self-evolution means working on yourself to achieve your best self.

To do so, you first have to find yourself.

It entails observing your basic nature and pondering upon why you are the way you are.

It also involves finding your likes and dislikes and your aspirations and objectives in life.

When you understand yourself inside out along with your underlying explanation, you can then start working to improve yourself and get the desired results.

When you keep improving in the various facets of life continuously, you will one day achieve your best self.

Knowing & improving yourself to achieve your best self can increase your self love to its potential best.

This is why self-evolution is one of the spiritual activities for self love.



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The last among the spiritual activities for self love is manifestation.

Manifestation involves creating the things you want in life through visualization and the law of attraction.

To be able to visualize things, you need to be mindful of them continuously.

This mindfulness helps you keep striving and stay motivated.

It never lets your energy and excitement level fall and stay trapped in hopelessness and despair.

Since manifestation provides you both with the journey and the destination, it’s a super-charged self love activity.

This is why manifestation is one of the spiritual activities for self love.

Physical Activities For Self Love


These spiritual self love activities are the foundation of physical self love activities.

Thus, do not forget or skip them else the base of your self love will not be as strong as you need them to be.

Now, let’s come to the list of physical self love activities.

This is why manifestation is one of the spiritual activities for self love.

Physical Exercising


The first among the physical activities for self love is physical exercise.

In the material world, there is nothing more important than staying healthy.

When you are disease-free and healthy, you are presented with an opportunity to live a longer life.

A healthy individual is capable of living their life to the fullest.

They can go for a trek, go for swimming, or indulge in fishing on a lazy weekend.

Remember, only a healthy body is capable of housing a healthy mind.

If the body is sick, various mental issues start to arise.

Your confidence and mood start to dip which could ultimately land you in depression.

And you only want good things for yourself.

Thus, it is important to enhance your self love by exercising regularly.

If you feel too lazy, at least go out for a walk for half an hour every morning.

If you can do more, go running or do simple flexibility exercises that don’t need any equipment.

And if you are into self love and physical exercise, go gaming regularly to stay healthy and super fit.

This is why physical exercising is one of the physical activities for self love.

Self-Care Activities


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The second among the physical activities for self love is self-care activities.

Self-care activities mean indulging in activities that are aimed at normalizing or eliminating your ongoing physical issues.

For example, your eyesight might be getting weak or your back may be hurting due to sitting for long hours in your work chair.

You should not ignore these small issues else they may become bigger problems going forward.

Thus, pay attention to these issues and do what needs to be done.

Generally, there are 4 broad ways to treat an ongoing physical issue.

These are:

  • Taking adequate and timely rest
  • Eating the right and nutritious food
  • Exercising for the issue in a customized manner
  • Taking the right medication

Taking care of your ongoing petty physical issues of yours reemphasizes your self love and thus also enhances it.

It ensures that the existing issues get eliminated and no new physical issues crop up in your body.

This is why self-care activities are one of the physical activities for self love.

Eating Right


The next among the physical activities for self love is eating right.

Food is life but when it is not taken in the right way, it can become a problem.

Food that just keeps you alive isn’t enough.

Some people are even in the habit of eating food that may make them sick or even seriously ill.

All these junk food eating habits show a lack of sufficient self love in one’s life.

Thus, we must eat health and nutritious food that is good for our mind & body.

It’s also essential to eat this food in the right amount and at the right times during the day.

Eating too little would make you weak and sluggish while eating too much would make you lazy and obese which goes against self love.

Irregular patterns and timings of meals also shake up the biological system and lead to several problems of indigestion and acidity.

Chewing your food well before letting it go into the stomach is also important so that your digestive system stays healthy.

What you eat, when you eat it, and how you eat, are all important things related to your health & wellness.


When you do these things right, you have a super fit mind & body that is capable of supporting your life well.

It’s all a part of your self love regime.

This is why eating right is one of the physical activities for self love.

Cleanliness, Organisation, & Maintenance


The next among the physical activities for self love is cleanliness, organization, & maintenance.

Your efforts to keep your mind & body healthy and in perfect condition are laudable.

It showcases and furthers your self love.

But if the external environment you live in isn’t proper, it could adversely affect all your efforts.

It’s because the environment we live in affects us.

Thus, there is a need to imbibe the habit of cleanliness, organization, and maintenance.

When the space you live in is clean and organized, it helps in the maintenance of a clean and organized mind.

It keeps your mind clear and your mood light and cozy.

It enhances your ability to stay happy and do tasks of the highest quality.

It shapes your personality and your way of thinking.

It keeps negativity away and gives you an environment of transformation, growth, & progress.

It makes you and your environment the launch pad of your life which you can use to achieve anything you may want.

This is why cleanliness, organization, & maintenance is one of the physical activities for self love.

Pursuing Your Passion


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The next among the physical activities for self love is pursuing your passion.

Nothing gives one more happiness than following one’s passion.

When someone follows his or her heart, challenges turn into opportunities.

Even the most difficult paths start seeming easy and effortless.

People choose their professions based on peer pressure or from the point of view of earning more money.

They see what other people are doing well and leave what they do best for it.

They don’t realize that any profession would earn them the amount of money they want.

The important thing is to do what you are good at.

Something that flows out of you effortlessly.

Something that doesn’t need you to think too much.

Whatever keeps your mind calm is your god.

When you follow your passion it enhances your self-respect and self love for two reasons.

First, you have fought for what you truly believe is good for you.

And second, when you do what you enjoy, self love increases within you naturally.

Along similar lines, you should also pursue all your hobbies they may not earn you money but they do make you fulfilled from within.

Pursuing your hobbies and passion enhances your self love quotient.

This is why pursuing your passion is one of the physical activities for self love.

Learning New Things


The next among the physical activities for self love is learning new things.

Education & learning never ends.

They have to go on till you are alive.

Even if you are satisfied with your life and earning well, you have to constantly upgrade yourself and learn new things.

Keep learning new things that aid your personal, professional, or household life.

Go after learning and incorporating new things that you think can make a difference in your life.

Learning new things also opens up your mind, enhances your intelligence, and increases your self-confidence.

It is an important cog in the wheel of change & transformation.

Walking with time lets you traverse through the uncertainties of life fearlessly.

Thus, giving yourself this power demonstrates self love.

This is why learning new things is one of the physical activities for self love.



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The next among the physical activities for self love is journalling.

At first glance, journalling may not seem a self love activity but it does a lot of good.

Daily or regular journalling may help you know yourself better.

It brings out the hidden thoughts in your mind and makes you calm down.

If you don’t have anyone you can share your feelings with or if you don’t want to share them, you can journal.

It gives you a chance to analyze the different situations of your life and the things you are looking to improve upon.

While journalling you often find the precise solutions to some of your long-standing problems.

You can also plan your day, month, and year(s) which helps you create a future of your choice.

Your journal may well be your best friend.

This is why journalling is one of the physical activities for self love.

Making A Daily Routine


The next among the physical activities for self love is making a daily routine.

A daily routine may be taken as a small part of journaling.

It organizes your daily life with important and customized activities for you.

It gives you clarity of mind and a better hold of your life going forward.

It helps you save a lot of your precious time too by giving you certainty and single-minded focus to perform tasks.

Making a daily routine helps you draw a roadmap for the next 2, 5, or 10 years.

It helps you plan, improvise, and execute those plans to take your life in the direction of your choice.

Thus, making a daily routine easily qualifies among self love activities that enrich you.

This is why making a daily routine is one of the physical activities for self love.

Loving Others


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The next among the physical activities for self love is loving others.

Loving others reinforces our self love.

When you love others and they reciprocate your love back, your self love quotient rises.

When someone else shows respect, care, and love towards you, you feel relaxed and less stressed about yourself.

You feel that your responsibility to ensure being loved is now shared by someone else too.

This reduces the pressure to love yourself thus enhancing self love naturally within you.

Thus, spread love as much as you can in your life.

Let your friends, family, & followers know that you love them.

And when they reciprocate, you would feel good about yourself and your self love would enhance.

This is why loving others is one of the physical activities for self love.

Entertaining & Enjoying Yourself


The last among the physical activities for self love is entertaining & enjoying yourself.

When we are entertained and we enjoy ourselves, we feel happy.

There are many activities like playing your favorite games & sports, watching movies, traveling, visiting the beach, going on a road trip, partying with friends, etc. that we enjoy.

They make us playful like a child once again.

There are no dull moments while we are enjoying ourselves.

By entertaining and enjoying ourselves we take out the stress or tension within and give us some much-deserved good time.

When we are entertained and we have fully enjoyed ourselves, we get refreshed and finally be our true selves again.

All this enhances our self love by bringing us closer to who we are.

This is why entertaining & enjoying yourself is one of the physical activities for self love.

Practice The Activities For Self Love Consistently


Self love isn’t a magic wand that will stay within you once you know what it is.

You need to practice the activities for self love on a daily or regular basis to keep the self love going.

Thus, you need to first develop self love through spiritual self love activities.

Then you have to back it up with physical self love activities that will ensure that you keep using it every single day.

Keep these self love activities close to your heart and practice them religiously.

It will ensure that your self love not only stays with you but also increases with each passing moment.

Being consistent with your activities for self love would make you a self love genie and raise the love quotient of your life to its zenith.


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