How To Work on Yourself While in A Relationship: 8 Easy Ways

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Updated On: Jan 18, 2025

Self-Improvement & Love: The Knife’s Edge

A growing question today in the minds of couples is how to work on yourself while in a relationship.

Self-improvement is something that goes on till we are alive. 

But there are times when it becomes difficult to work on ourselves and keep getting better.

One of the major instances when we find it difficult to work on ourselves is when we are in a relationship.

Being in a relationship isn’t wrong or bad.

It’s just that sometimes things don’t work out in our favor in a relationship.

It’s possible that we may not get enough time to work on ourselves in a relationship as our responsibilities increase.

It may also happen that we keep feeling that we are not giving our partner enough time and attention.

Also, your partner may be too demanding which doesn’t give you the mental peace or time to focus on working on yourself.

So, what’s the way out?

How To Work On Yourself While In A Relationship

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We can neither decide against improving ourselves nor can we choose not to be in a relationship forever.

We have to find a solution that is balanced, mature, and intelligent.

So, how to work on yourself while in a relationship?

There are a few things we can keep in mind and follow that will give us our path ahead.

Know That It’s Possible

The first thing to do to work on yourself while in a relationship is to know that it’s possible.

The most important thing is to stay open to the idea that you can work on yourself while you are in a relationship.

Giving up on the idea would just make things worse.

You would unwillingly stay away from getting into a relationship which could also hamper your process of self-improvement.

But when you are willing to believe it’s possible, you would be looking for a way to make it work.

You would think about it yourself and try to come up with reasonings and logic to support it.

You would talk to your friends and look for examples that favor your beliefs.

Also, you might look it up on the internet like you are doing now.

So, the fact that you are trying to believe that it’s possible means that you know it’s possible.

Thus, you have begun your quest on the right footing.

Choose The Right Partner

how to work on yourself while in a relationship

The second thing to do to work on yourself while in a relationship is to choose the right partner.

This is another very important step.

This is an important pillar on which your belief in working on yourself while in a relationship stands.

Choosing the right partner would make things easy for you.

If the partner you choose wants the same things as you, there is no worry about it.

He should at least be understanding enough to support you and your goals.

But if you choose the wrong person, he or she could make it difficult for you to work on yourself.

So, be very careful in choosing your partner.

Make sure that he or she is someone who would not stand in your way to work on yourself.

Maintain Your Individuality

The third thing to do to work on yourself while in a relationship is to maintain your individuality.

When your relationship starts, be mindful of maintaining your individuality.

By individuality, I mean you should not be the one who stands in your way to work on yourself.

It’s possible that we voluntarily spend more time than we should with our partners and then think they are at fault or that the relationship is the problem.

To work on yourself, you must be comfortable in your own company.

Only when you are not standing in your way can you ask your partner to give you the time & space to work on yourself.

Thus, spend only a healthy amount of time with your partner and enjoy being alone.

Create Your Space & Utilise It

how to work on yourself while in a relationship

The fourth thing to do to work on yourself while in a relationship is to create your space & utilize it.

When you are completely comfortable in your own company, create a space for the activities to work on yourself.

Allocate time, make plans, and stick to these plans to work on yourself.

Utilising this space you have created for working on yourself is very important.

If you aren’t able to do justice to this space, you may still get the feeling that you are not giving enough time to yourself.

It could frustrate you and thus endanger your relationship.

So, concentrate on making this created space productive & fruitful.

But do not be impatient and unrealistic about this as it won’t happen in a day or two.

Give this new arrangement some time to materialize.

If you succeed in doing this, everything will add up to give you an adequate amount of time to work on yourself.

Respect The Boundaries

The fifth thing to do to work on yourself while in a relationship is to respect the boundaries.

Do not stretch the time you need to work on yourself.

Similarly, do not increase the time you spend with your partner.

Respecting these respective boundaries is important in maintaining the structure that is running both these things together.

Know the exact things to do under each of these heads and the precise time when you need to leave them and move on to the other one.

Doing this religiously would develop the main structure that would keep your life going smoothly and successfully.

It will help you earn and sustain working on yourself while in your relationship.

Communicate With Your Partner

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The sixth thing to do to work on yourself while in a relationship is to communicate with your partner.

Although we have assumed that you have chosen the right partner for yourself, meaningful communication remains precious for any relationship.

Whenever he or she wants to be with you beyond the mutually decided time, you need to be strong and remind them of your goals.

Tell them that you love them but you also need to do what needs to be done for your betterment.

Do this whenever it’s needed.

Regular, clear, and healthy communication is always very important in a relationship.

You cannot take a good partner for granted and believe that he will understand you unconditionally.

Even he needs to be reminded of your aspirations once in a while.

And when you do, they will understand because they truly love you.

It will help you continue working on yourself diligently even when you are in a deeply committed relationship.

Work Together With Your Partner

The seventh thing to do to work on yourself while in a relationship is to work together with your partner.

The most ideal situation would be if you found a partner who had the same goals and interests as you.

In this scenario, you would get greater time, both to work on yourself and to be with your partner.

What you both could do is work on yourselves together.

You can also talk extensively about working and improving yourself.

This way you can spend time together and still utilize this time to improve yourself.

This is the highest compatibility one can ever have and it could just be perfect for both of you.

You can say that you both are each other’s soul mates.

But this situation may not always be possible.

So, you should also be prepared for lower-case scenarios i.e. when your partner isn’t your soulmate or perfect match.

But still, be mindful of choosing the right partner for yourself who at least understands you and your goals.

It will make your goal of working on yourself much easier.

Give Your Partner Their Space

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The eighth and last thing to do to work on yourself while in a relationship is to give your partner their rightful space.

If you expect your partner to understand you and give you the space to work on yourself, you should be willing to reciprocate in the same vein.

Give them the space to do what they like to do or to fulfill their own personal or professional goals.

Understanding & support in a relationship is a two-way street that you should always remember and respect.

When you give your partner the freedom and space to do what they like, they will find happiness and let you do what you want to accomplish. 

Moreover, if you do not give them their required space, it would mean that you aren’t maintaining your individuality and boundaries that were talked about earlier.

It would mean that you are the hurdle in your way to work on yourself.

So, give your partner the space to work on themselves and you will get the opportunity to work on yourself.

Making Ends Meet 

Generally speaking, whenever we want to do something productive, it needs balance and discipline of the highest order.

Hence, working on yourself and becoming better while in a relationship demands a lot out of you.

In short, you should have the required inner strength to be alone.

Next, you should have the necessary focus & dedication to do what you want to do.

And finally, you should have the necessary temperament and the freedom within yourself to be able to accomplish what you wish for.

When you can do so, you can build a life full of possibilities for yourself and with a lot of love in it.

And when you are capable and you have a loving partner to support you, you have the best chance to inculcate the habit of self love within yourself.


What does working on yourself before getting into a relationship mean?

It means to be mentally and physically ready to enter a relationship. Mental readiness means being in the space where you think you want to be in a relationship and that you will be able to give your all to it. Physical readiness means having relationship skills like loving and caring.

You need to think deeply before making a choice. Getting into a new relationship might take your mind off your current work. It’s also possible that it goes out of the window completely. It’s because a new relationship will keep you busy. If you can manage, go for it.

Yes. You know the details when you have stayed in a relationship for some time. You know your partner, their expectations of you, and what the relationship demands from you. This knowledge gives you the clarity required to plan well and start working on any aspect of your personality. Balance will always be the key.

It depends on your relationship’s expectations and responsibilities. If your partner wants to spend more time with you, you may have less time to work on yourself. But if they are understanding, you can still have more time for yourself. You can also work on yourself together to balance self-improvement and relationships.

Confidence, persistence, patience, balance, and clarity are the key psychological traits that you need to work on yourself while in a relationship. You should fulfill both responsibilities well. Your self-improvement activity shouldn’t make your partner unhappy, and your relationship should not hamper your development and growth process.

There might be a tendency for your man to be a little dominating in the relationship. He may demand more of your time, attention, and love. You don’t need to argue or fight him to be able to work on yourself. If you do not do both things well, you lose. So, use your feminine traits to convince him.

Females are generally more understanding and loving towards their men. Anything that makes you better or gives you happiness is also dear to them. So, you just need to affectionately tell them you need extra time to work on yourself, and they will understand. If they don’t, give them a hug and try again.

Things should be easy if you have decent compatibility as a couple (which is expected since you live together). Since you spend most of your time together, you should be able to use some time away for self-improvement. If you plan to do it at home, you can make it a couple’s activity. Talk to your partner if you are uncomfortable.

To be secure in a relationship, remember the following things:

  • Find time to work on yourself and your needs.
  • Do not allow your partner to dominate you. 
  • Be mindful of doing the things that make you ‘You.’
  • Avoid feeling or coming out too needy.
  • Communicate clearly to extinguish any misunderstandings. 
  • Do not compare your relationship to that of others.

No. That’s not wise and too risky, as you could lose both. If you find it challenging to manage your relationship and self-improvement together, talk to your partner about it. They will most likely understand and give you more time. Raise your planning, efficiency, and execution skills to balance both well.

Yes. In fact, being in a relationship might make it easier to do so. If you have a good, intelligent, and understanding partner, get their help. As a couple, you can do self-improvement tasks that will fix you and strengthen your relationship simultaneously.

To improve yourself mentally, meditate to become less rigid and be open to doing things outside your comfort zone. To improve yourself physically, focus on your health by eating healthy. Also, build a good physique by exercising regularly. To become a better partner, be more affectionate and sensitive to your partner’s feelings, needs, and preferences.

Most importantly, be an asset to your partner, not an issue for them. Next, understand your partner well. Study their fundamental nature, likes and dislikes, and needs and aspirations. Also, support them as much as possible and help them when they need you. Try to understand them when they are unable to express themselves.

To mentally work on yourself while in a relationship, do the following:

  • Train yourself not to lose your cool at any point.
  • Learn to listen to your partner with focus & intent.
  • Be the official events & occasions planner of your relationship.
  • Have meaningful and intelligent discussions.
  • Help your partner solve their problems and dilemmas.
  • Solve crosswords together.

To focus on yourself instead of your boyfriend, do the following:

  • Stop giving advice or helping them unless they ask you to.
  • Do not get bothered by what they plan or do.
  • Do not get distracted or carried away if they come for advice.
  • Make a list of your priority areas.
  • Plan them individually.
  • Execute your plans religiously.

To repair your relationship with yourself:

  • Do not waste time trying to get hold of the ‘Old you.’
  • Give up negativity and embrace hope & positivity.
  • Be willing to explore and reinvent yourself.
  • Give yourself the freedom to think and act freely.
  • Trust yourself and go with the flow.
  • Do what makes you the happiest.
  • Start loving yourself unconditionally.

A relationship boundary is a line that couples draw beyond which they do not interfere in each other’s lives. It’s a positive boundary that maintains the relationship’s health and gives the partners their necessary space. This boundary or space helps them find productive ‘me-time’ for personal development and growth.

To become a better person in a relationship, you need to do the following:

  • Learn not to take the other person for granted.
  • Love them unconditionally.
  • Be selfless at times and let them “win.”
  • Be honest when you make a mistake.
  • Be sensitive and considerate towards your partner’s feelings.
  • Deeply reflect on your actions, especially the ones that hurt.

Express your feelings and do not hold them inside for emotional development. Meditate and learn to let go for emotional stability. Learn not to give up in difficult situations for emotional strength. Learn to use your emotions in your favor for emotional intelligence. When you are emotionally fixed, make yourself emotionally available to others.

To improve as a girlfriend, do the following:

  • Use your femininity more to soothe your boyfriend.
  • Always be there to support your man.
  • Help them learn the art of expression and release.
  • Take away their stress by showing more love.
  • Teach them to smile.
  • Be there for them when they fail.
  • Appreciate their efforts for you.

Yes. Self-love is more important than it is thought to be in a relationship. If you do not love yourself, you will run out of love, and there will be fights and frustration. So, love yourself first. Understand yourself, take good care of yourself, and engage in the activities that make you truly happy.

Losing yourself in a relationship is a sign of being in a toxic relationship, so consider moving out of it. Next, forgive yourself for doing everything that took you away from yourself. Give yourself some time to come out of the trauma. When you feel ready, start doing things that make you feel closer to your true self.

The best way to stop overcaring in a relationship is to start caring more about yourself. Giving yourself extra attention will resurrect your relationship and make you healthier and happier. If you have trouble caring less in your relationship, consider going on a solo trip to one of your favorite destinations to reflect and cool off.

Unhealthy boundaries in relationships cramp partners’ personal space. They do not get time for other important things like work, personal development, or leisure, which we also call ‘me-time.’ This leads to misunderstandings, arguments, fights, and even breakups, even when nobody is at fault.

No. Love, though a beautiful feeling, is unfortunately only one aspect of a relationship. There are other important things without which a relationship cannot survive. These are understanding, respect, trust, communication, compromise, personal space, support, and care, among other things. Without these essential aspects, a relationship remains fragile and might break when faced with challenges.

If you love your partner with all your heart but it doesn’t prove enough, it’s a message that love isn’t enough to make a relationship work. Any relationship needs more pillars on which it can stand. For example, if there isn’t mutual respect and appreciation for each other, love cannot hold a relationship together.

How much alone time you need depends on you and your personal needs. If you like spending time with yourself, you will need more time alone to keep the relationship going. Similarly, if your health is essential to you, you will need to spend time on it, thus giving you less time for your relationship.

Your partner may feel you do not like spending time with them. Also, they may be in desperate need of your company or help regarding something going on in their life. You need to communicate clearly with them. Ask them the reason for their unhappiness, tell them why you need time alone, and reach an agreement.

It’s OK and understandable to think about your partner a lot in the initial phase of the relationship. But beyond that, it’s neither reasonable nor healthy. It may increase your expectations of your partner, and if that expectation goes unfulfilled, it may hurt you emotionally. Thus, you need to control your thoughts.

A relationship is expected to go a long way if there is respect for each other’s feelings, needs, and personal space. It’s because by giving the other person what they want, you let them be themselves. It also helps them improve themselves, both as a partner and as a person. This helps nurture and grow the relationship.

Trying desperately to save a relationship does more harm than good. The best way to save your relationship is to give space and freedom to your partner. This shows your love for them and the trust you have in the relationship. This deep faith, more often than not, brings people back to save relationships.

End a toxic relationship where you give enough space to your partner, but they do not give it back. On the contrary, they criticize you unfairly for not spending time with them. You should give them a few chances, but you should not waste more time in that toxic relationship if the situation doesn’t improve.

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