Belief Makes Dreams A Reality
You must know that to fulfill your dreams, you have to believe in your dreams first.
But why are dreams important in our lives?
Would you like a movie that keeps going on randomly all over the place without any real direction to it?
Of course, not.
It would be lame and boring to do so.
Human lives would also be just a haphazard uninteresting story if dreams aren’t added to them.
Dreams inspire you and give direction to your life, thus making it meaningful and worth living.
Dreams can be anything like raising your intelligence levels, getting a fit body, getting a high-paying job, living a luxurious life, or getting a beautiful and understanding life partner.
When you have an objective or a set of goals, it just adds an interesting flavor or excitement to your life.
It gives you something that you can work towards and look forward to.
And when these dreams get fulfilled, it’s a feeling that is out of this world and something that can’t be explained in words.
It is also necessary for your self love to have dreams, pursue them, and fulfill them.
When you work hard towards your dreams, it shows your self-affection.
Thus, dreams are an important self love activity.
But dreams don’t get fulfilled just like that.
It takes a lot of courage and effort to make your dreams come true.
But one of the most important steps in making your dreams a reality is to believe in them.
Belief is the power that turns your dreams into reality.
If you don’t believe your dreams can come true, you should not waste your time going after them.
The dreams of many people stay a mere imagination because they don’t know how to believe in them.
Belief is like the soul of a dream without which the latter remains unfulfilled.
Thus, for a meaningful life, you must know how to believe in your dreams.
How To Believe in Your Dreams
Believing in your dreams has 6 sequential steps.
Find Your Real Dreams
The first step to believe in your dreams is to find your real dreams.
Sometimes, people think they want something but actually, they want something else.
This may happen when you have not given serious thought to your dreams.
When this is the case, you are not able to believe in their dreams and hence fulfill them.
It may also happen that you have unrealistic expectations of your dreams.
Your mind would never be able to believe or accept these unrealistic expectations, hence your dreams would not get fulfilled.
On the contrary, it may also risk your ability to dream or believe in your dream the next time.
Thus, you must find your real dreams that you can believe in easily.
Don’t Be Negative
The second step to believe in your dreams is to not be negative about your dreams.
There are people who from the moment of knowing their dreams become negative about them.
They start thinking that their dreams are too lofty and that it would be difficult to walk their path or fulfill those dreams.
You can never believe in your dreams in the presence of negativity within you.
Negativity is the opposite of belief and hence its biggest enemy.
Thus, you need to stay open and stay clear of negative thoughts about your dreams.
This would keep alive the possibility of you believing in your dreams.
Stop Listening To People
The third step to believe in your dreams is to stop listening to people or giving importance to their opinions about your dreams.
When you successfully stop being negative about your dream, the next important thing to do is to protect your dreams from the negativity of people.
Negativity is more prevalent in the world and the minds of people as compared to positivity.
Thus, you have to guard against it.
To do so, you can choose to stay away from negative people altogether.
But if this is not possible for you to do, you can give them and their negative talks a deaf ear.
Neither get into an argument with them nor start believing what they try to feed into your mind regarding your dreams.
Doing this would help you protect your dreams from people’s negativity, hence making you more capable of believing in your dreams.
Do Not Question
The fourth step to believe in your dreams is to not doubt or question your dreams.
After doing all the hard work to believe in your dreams, a simple mistake can cause a domino effect and shatter your possibility to believe in your dreams.
This is the mistake of doubting or questioning your dreams.
Never raise even the slightest of doubts in your mind regarding your dreams.
Consistency to be moving in the right direction at the right speed is very important when it comes to believing in your dreams.
Thus, you have to maintain the gained momentum by not questioning or doubting your belief in your dreams even for a second.
This is when you would be ready to take on the next big step.
Start Believing
The fifth step to believing in your dreams is to take steps to start believing in your dreams.
There are four possible ways to believe in your dreams.
The first way to believe in your dreams is to simply believe in your dreams without any particular underlying reason or evidence.
It’s called placing an unconditional faith in your dreams.
This is the strongest possible belief as there is nothing between you and your dreams here.
It’s just your firm faith in your dreams with nothing concrete or clear to work with.
In this situation, you become one with your dream.
But you have to strengthen your belief in your dream for all possible situations.
Thus, you have to use some other ways too to believe in your dreams.
The second way to believe in your dreams is through positive affirmations related to your dreams.
Some of the phrases or mantras to believe in your dreams are:
‘I believe in my dreams’
‘My dreams will come true’
‘Nothing can stop my dreams from getting fulfilled’
‘God will fulfill my dreams’
Chant these phrases with conviction several times during the day especially when your belief in your dreams seems to be weakening.
Positive affirmations for your dreams work well in strengthening your belief in your dreams.
But there still isn’t much substance behind your belief in your dreams.
Thus, you have to employ some more methods too to believe in your dreams.
The next way to believe in your dreams is to plan the execution of fulfilling your dreams.
Doing this gives you a meaningful and logical explanation to believe in your dreams.
It’s a big boost to your mind which can now see how your dreams would get transformed into reality.
This boost to your mind puts you in a better position to believe in your dreams.
But still, there isn’t something concrete behind your belief in your dreams.
Thus, we move on to the next way to fulfill this condition.
The next way to believe in your dreams is to put your ideas and plans into action.
When you start working towards your dreams, nothing can fuel your belief in your dream more than this.
It’s because now you are actually moving towards your dream and you are also able to see some real progress.
The closer you get to your dreams, the stronger your belief in your dreams will keep getting.
Do Not Stop Believing
The last step to believing in your dreams is not to stop believing in your dreams even if they don’t get fulfilled.
The path to fulfilling your dreams is full of thorns.
It may happen that despite you doing everything right, your dream may not get fulfilled.
This shouldn’t shake your faith in your dreams, rather it should strengthen your belief in your dreams even further.
You know that you did everything right.
You just have to come back harder with an even higher belief in your dreams.
And when you do this, there is no way your dreams could stay unfulfilled for too long.
Dare To Dream & Believe
Believing in one’s dreams may not be a cakewalk, especially in the beginning.
It takes a lot of courage to do so.
Dreaming itself is a courageous thing to do today because not many dreams get fulfilled.
Believing in your dreams is an even bigger task as you have to go a step further.
But the reason why dreams don’t get fulfilled in the first place is because people either don’t believe in their dreams or their beliefs are not strong enough.
Thus, love yourself, dare to dream, and believe in your dreams with all your heart.
If your dreams aren’t fulfilled the first time, come back better and stronger the next time.
And when your dreams get fulfilled, have more dreams and repeat the whole process.
This is how life should be lived so that your love for yourself keeps rising with each passing moment.