Repercussions Of Being A Chronic Complainer
Are you trying to discover how to learn to stop complaining and start doing?
I will guide you through it in five easy ways.
Do you know you are capable of doing and achieving great things?
But various hurdles stop you from starting to do these things.
One of the biggest hurdles is the habit of complaining.
Complaining is whining about what you do not have or what is going wrong.
It’s a distraction that keeps you from working toward and achieving your goals.
It releases the “positive pressure” within you and fills you with negativity.
This negativity then constantly pushes you towards feeling inadequate.
Complaining harms your reputation as a person and keeps you an underachiever.
Thus, you must learn to stop complaining and start doing.
Let’s find out how to learn to stop complaining and start doing.
How To Learn To Stop Complaining And Start Doing
You need to work on six simple things to discover how to stop complaining and start doing.
Let Go Of Perfectionism
Letting go of perfectionism is the first step in discovering how to learn to stop complaining and start doing.
Perfectionism is the constant urge to do things to the “best” of your ability or get the “best” results.
And to these best things, you expect the “best” resources with you.
The consequence of this impractical expectation is that you feel everything around you to be wrong.
It gives rise to feelings of inadequacy and, hence, complaints.
You feel you do not have the “ideal” conditions to do what you want.
It keeps you trapped in either frustration or procrastination.
Thus, what you need is to give up perfectionism so that you can start working with what you have.
The virtue of acceptance should replace the urge for perfection.
When you accept what you have, gratitude will fill you, ending your complaining habit.
It will help you realize the value of the things you have, enabling you to use them to their fullest potential.
To summarise, acceptance & gratitude will replace perfectionism and complaints to help you ‘start doing.’
Thus, by letting go of perfectionism, you discover how to learn to stop complaining and start doing.
Release The Negativity Within
The next step in discovering how to learn to stop complaining and start doing is to release the negativity within.
Negativity is the biggest reason behind complaints.
It forces you to see the dark side of everything, even when things are going well.
So, you always focus on the negatives, making you a chronic complainer.
This negativity within and the resultant complaining nature doesn’t let you do anything positive or productive.
It makes you scared of failures, which keeps you in a “shell.”
It also develops a fear of success within you as you do not know how to give up being negative.
Thus, it’s essential to release negativity from you.
Since negativity within you is in the form of energy, you can quickly work on it and release it.
The ways to do this are by practicing meditation & Yoga and doing physical exercises regularly.
Also, to overcome the habit of being negative, you can train yourself to be positive.
You can use positive self-talk, positive affirmations, and journaling to inculcate the habit of positivity.
You can also talk to a friend about your problem of complaining, as it can help release the negativity.
When negativity is released, you will stop complaining and start engaging in productive activities.
Thus, by releasing the negativity within, you discover how to learn to stop complaining and start doing what is needed.
Learn A Constructive & Engaging Skill
The next step in discovering how to learn to stop complaining and start doing is to learn a constructive and engaging skill.
Another big reason for being a chronic complainer is that you lack a skill that can keep you busy.
When you do not use your time productively, you use it in useless or destructive activities like complaining.
So, you start complaining about everything, which keeps you negatively active.
It leaves much less energy and will to do what you should do.
So, you are either complaining or sitting idle at a given moment.
Thus, you need to develop professional skills to stop complaining and become positively active.
You can learn it yourself, or you can choose to take an online professional course.
You can also join a live class by being physically present.
Developing a skill in your field of interest will require significant time, energy, and focus.
It will gradually help build positivity within you, thus reducing complaints.
Ensure you master this skill so well that negative things can no longer attract your attention or cause you to react negatively.
You can also nurture or pursue a hobby that can keep you interested and engaged.
It will channel your energy in the right direction and help you give up your complaining ways.
When you have stopped complaining, you will already be doing the things that matter to you.
Thus, by learning a constructive skill, you discover how to learn to stop complaining and start doing.
Be More Patient
The next step in discovering how to learn to stop complaining and start doing is to be patient in life.
Impatience is when you feel restless and unable to wait for the right time for things to happen.
It can trigger you to complain as things do not go your way.
Complaints weaken your belief system and turn even fruitful things into failures for you.
It makes you complain even more, eventually making you stop doing the right things.
You need to stop being impatient & complaining and start doing what is required.
Often, the main reason behind one’s impatience is one’s anxiety.
Thus, you need to ensure that you do not suffer from any anxiety or stress.
Keep yourself physically active and do deep breathing exercises to keep anxiety & stress at bay.
You can also consult a mental health professional or a psychologist to whom you can also talk about your complaining behavior.
Once you have corrected the principal cause of your impatience, you should stop complaining and restart doing the right things.
Thus, by being more patient, you discover how to learn to stop complaining and start doing.
Be More Compassionate
The final step in discovering how to learn to stop complaining and start doing is to develop more compassion within yourself.
If you often complain to others about them, you need compassion.
Being kind and compassionate is an important virtue that helps you stop complaining.
When you can see and feel the pain of others, you will naturally be able to control your complaining nature.
When you have compassion, you will know that other people’s lives are much more complex than yours.
It will help you give up complaints and adopt empathy and kindness as a way of life.
So, next time you complain, observe how it affects others.
If you are self-complaining, you also need to become more self-compassionate.
Have you noticed your mood after you beat yourself up for something?
If you do not want others or yourself to feel this way, you should give up your complaining ways.
When you stop complaining, you will start taking more responsibility.
It will help you do the right things and ensure your success in all those endeavors.
Thus, compassion transforms you into a non-complaining person who always does the right thing.
So, by being more compassionate, you discover how to learn to stop complaining and start doing.
Put Your Energy To Productive Use
Finding how to learn to stop complaining and start doing isn’t too tricky.
Everybody has the same life energy within them.
People who use it to complain cannot fulfill their life goals.
But those who use it constructively do positive, unimaginable, and great things for themselves.
It would help if you chose who you want to be.
Choosing the second way will make your life successful, enabling you to love yourself.
And self-love will help you make your life feel like a dream come true.
So, discover how to learn to stop complaining and start doing and uplifting yourself.