Walking Away From Someone You Love To Avoid Toxicity

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Updated On: February 7, 2025

When Love Becomes Toxic

Sometimes, walking away from someone you love is the only option you are left with.

Love is the most beautiful feeling in the world.

It relaxes you to your core, makes you feel important, and gives you immense happiness and freedom.

But many times, many wrong things run in the garb of love.

These things are mostly exactly the opposite of what love is.

It makes you feel empty, violated, and disgusted with yourself and your life.

Such relationships are called toxic relationships, and they, bit by bit, suck the life out of you.

Here are 15 signs you should walk away from someone you love.

When to Walk Away from Someone You Love - 15 Signs You Can’t Ignore

You cannot ignore the signs of a disrespectful or toxic relationship.

It’s very important to leave such a relationship and walk away from that person as soon as possible.

But often, it’s not that easy to do so.

You either still consider it love, or you have become habitual of that person.

But you have to find a way to walk away and come out of the messed up relationship.

Thus, even though walking away from someone you love is difficult, you have to do it for a better future.

Walking Away From Someone You Love

Walking away from someone you love

So, how do you walk away from someone you love deeply?

Before you can do that, you need to realize a few important things.

Realize It’s Not Love Anymore

The first step to walk away from someone you love is to make yourself realize that it’s no longer love.

It all started on a very rosy note.

It seemed to be the perfect love story and you have found the perfect partner for yourself.

Things were good too for a decent amount of time.

But then things started to turn ugly.

You were ignored, insulted, and even abused many times.

But you either settled for a compromise or kept hoping that everything would become rosy once again very soon.

But nothing has changed.

Things have gone from bad to worse, and now you feel stuck and helpless.

If this has been your story, it’s time to realize that it’s no more love.

You have been living in a world that doesn’t exist anymore.

You have been hoping against hope that everything would become normal.

You have to realize now that the relationship has reached the other end where it is anything but love.

If you want to walk away from your toxic relationship, it’s time you let this reality sink into you.

Realize The Importance of Love & Respect In A Relationship

Walking away from someone you love

The second step to walk away from someone you love is to make yourself realize the importance of love & respect in a relationship.

Love and respect are two basic emotional needs for any human being.

When you do not get them for a very long time, you drown into depression.

You start believing that you do not deserve them anymore.

But it’s not the truth.

You deserve all the love, support, and respect in the world, especially when in a relationship.

Here is why love & respect are the most important things in a relationship.

The Importance of Love & Respect in a Relationship

You have to realize that the relationship you are currently in isn’t giving you love or respect.

Accept that you have remained parched of love and respect for too long and it cannot go on like this for ever.

Thus, you just have to get out of the toxic relationship you are in right now.

And when you do, you once again become capable of the love and respect you deserve.

Realize You Need To Move On

The next step to walk away from someone you love is to realize that you need to move on in life.

When you are in a toxic relationship and the company of a loveless person, your life stagnates.

The prime reason for this is that you are no more yourself.

And when you cease to be yourself, you have not only stagnated but have also lost your path ahead completely.

So, the first thing you need to do is to figure out how to find yourself again.

For this, you have to stop listening to your partner and start becoming yourself again.

Regain your mojo and your true self once again by clawing your way back.

When you have done this, you are back on the actual path that is meant for you and that is unique to you.

But all this would happen only when you realize that you need to get a move on in life.

So, tell yourself enough is enough and that you have lost a lot of your precious time in this toxic relationship.

Realize that a stagnant life is no life at all.

Thus, walking away from someone you love is better when the relationship has become toxic for you.

All your dreams and life goals are waiting for you and calling out to you.

Thus, you should not waste your precious time, energy, and effort on a toxic relationship anymore.

When you have realised all the above important things, it’s then time to get into real action.

Get Away From Your Partner

Walking away from someone you love

The next step to walk away from someone you love is to get away from the toxic relationship and your partner.

The next thing that you need to do is to get away from your partner.

This may be a difficult thing to do for you but you have to be bold and show a little courage.

You may feel that you are doing something wrong but it’s just mental inertia and the fear that comes attached with doing something new.

Whenever you feel scared or weak while taking this step, remember that it is for your best and that you need to do this.

Remind yourself of all the things you realized earlier i.e. it’s not love anymore, you need love and respect, and you need to move on in life.

Tell yourself that it’s now or never.

So, if you are in a live-in relationship with your partner, move out immediately.

Do not talk to them over the phone or go to a party where they are invited.

Stop going to all the places that remind you of them.

Remember, avoiding them isn’t done to make them feel bad or to curtail your own life, it’s done to give you time to get over them completely.

When you end all ways of coming in contact with your partner, slowly you would also stop thinking about them.

When you reach this stage, you should pat yourself on the back as you have accomplished something really difficult and big.

But the job isn’t done yet.

Do Not Fall Back Into The Trap

The next thing you need to do to walk away from someone you love is to be careful and not fall into the trap again.

When you have cut out your partner and come out of the toxic relationship, he or she will try to get you back.

They would do everything they can to win your heart once again.

They would try to emotionally blackmail you. 

They would argue that they miss you and that they are ready to change and do anything for you.

But you have to stay strong and not believe them.

Remember that you had to work hard to come out of that difficult space and you cannot risk it again.

If you go back and the same things start happening, it may not be possible for you to make a comeback.

Moreover, your partner who is now your ex is saying these things just because he or she doesn’t miss you but misses dominating you.

They have become habitual of you and making you miserable and they can’t believe that you are now gone.

Thus, do not go back to the place you had suffered so much.

Stay strong.

When they see that you are not ready to take them back, they may start to threaten you or even hurt you.

So, be careful and do not come under any kind of pressure from your ex to fall back into the trap.

When you reach this stage successfully, you should celebrate this achievement.

Shut That Door Forever

Self love

The next thing that needs to be done to walk away from someone you love is to close the doors on your toxic relationship, your ex, and your bad past, forever.

This would ensure that you have no trails left of those difficult times within you.

It would make you capable of moving ahead in life with full confidence and enthusiasm.

You can do this by doing something new with your life, going to a new place, getting a new job, making new friends, and if you feel ready, getting a new loving partner.

If you feel you need some time before you can date someone again, you should do that.

Give yourself some me-time and find self love within once again and do things that enhance your self love.

When you are ready, with all the experience you just had from your previous relationship, you will be able to choose a much better partner for yourself.

And when you do, the doors of your previous toxic relationship will be closed forever.

You Are A Fighter 

Walking away from someone you love will never be easy, not even if your partner was not the  ideal person for you.

It’s because you loved them with all your heart. 

But you love yourself too and for that, you would be able to muster all the required courage to walk out of that toxic relationship.

There will be some challenges on the way but with your inner strength and resilience, you would be able to cross them.

Remember, if you do not walk away from your toxic relationship, you might be making a bad choice for your well-being.

Here is what you have to go through if you do not walk away from a toxic relationship. 

What Happens If You Don’t Walk Away from a Toxic Relationship?

Thus, for a better life that you rightfully deserve, you must move on from the toxic relationship.

And when you create a new life for yourself, you will realize the importance of what you have accomplished.

From a hopeless situation, you are now well on your way to living the life you were truly meant to live.

By this achievement, your self-respect and thus self love would thus be on cloud 9 once again.

And your efforts to drag yourself out of a toxic relationship will always be a source of strength to you.


Is it okay to walk away from someone you love?

Yes. If the person you love isn’t right for you, walking away is more than okay. You do not have a choice if they no longer love you and are insensitive to your feelings. Love is essential, but your happiness, health, and safety are more important than anything else. You have the right to walk away without any guilt.

You should not decide whether to walk away or not based only on the fact that you want the relationship to work. Ask yourself if there is any hope left in the relationship. Also, ask yourself whether you feel yourself capable of working towards making the relationship work. If both these answers are ‘No’, you should walk away.

If someone doesn’t value you, they will:

  1. Ignore you.
  2. Never praise you for anything.
  3. Belittle your good work and achievements.
  4. Say demeaning and insulting things to you.
  5. Insult you in public.
  6. Hurt your feelings and beliefs repeatedly.
  7. Always criticise you.
  8. Cheat on you.
  9. Never apologize to you for their mistakes.
  10. Be okay with you leaving them.

You should tell them that they make you feel worthless. If they do not take it seriously or change their ways, you need to tap into your self-worth and decide to walk away from the toxic relationship. If you still find it difficult, ask yourself what is more important to you—your self-worth or the toxic relationship.

If you are walking away from the relationship to protect your self-worth and dignity, it should be your priority. Understand that talking to your partner about it might make leaving more difficult. There may even be another fight that can further damage your self-esteem and mental peace. Take the difficult step for self-love.

If your partner doesn’t love you anymore, your love doesn’t matter, either. Loving them will only cause you pain and mental suffering. The sooner you understand this, the better. Eventually, this has to happen, so it’s better to save yourself the time, effort, and pain. You deserve love and respect.

You must constantly remind yourself why you had to walk away from them. It may be to safeguard your self-respect or because the relationship has lost its sheen. As the logic sinks in, you start feeling better. Also, time heals all wounds, so give it some time. 

Be positive and believe you will find someone more loving.

To detach yourself mentally before walking away, train your mind by making a list of reasons why you should leave them. Keep reading them daily to remind yourself and make separation less frictional. When the time to actually walk away comes, you will feel more confident about doing it.

When you love someone but have to leave them for some reason, you continue to love them or have a soft corner for them. You can stop loving someone only if the love turns into hatred. Thus, once generated, love cannot turn into indifference.

Walking away from someone is a powerful incident as it’s born out of strength—the strength to sacrifice something you love. Sacrifices make you strong and make you feel worthy. They give you mental power and impart confusion and self-doubt to the person you leave. They get confused and become desperate to have you back.

Walking away from someone you love may or may not make them realize their mistake or your importance. If they value and genuinely love you, they will want you back. They will realize their mistake of ignoring you or mistreating you. But if they stop loving you or turn toxic, they won’t realize the loss.

Yes. Sometimes, in love, people make difficult decisions even if they don’t want to. If you mistreat your partner and make them feel small, they may leave, although they still love you. They have the right to protect themselves and their dignity, as self-respect is above love or relationships.

But sometimes, people leave their partners for their careers. In this case, they may still have loved their partners, but they loved their careers more, which is why they walked away.

It depends on the kind of person your partner is. If he is genuine and capable of realizing their mistake, walking away gains their respect. But if your partner is toxic or narcissistic who blames others for their mistakes, they will look at you as a loser who ran away after screwing up.

Yes. It’s human psychology to feel nostalgic for someone you have spent considerable time with. When you walk away suddenly, your partner feels a big hole in their life. They feel restless without knowing what to do or how to get you back. It’s no secret that people do not like change, at least in the short run.

Yes. If you do not give up, one-sided love has the chance to become a two-way street. You need to keep believing, keep making efforts at the right junctures, and wait for the right opportunity for your crush to fall in love with you. 

But walking away from the person you love isn’t defeat, either. It’s a strength everybody wishes for. 

As you walk away, your love interest falls for you.

But even if they don’t, you walk away only with love that belongs and stays with you completely, which is a clear victory.

There is no shame or disappointment if you love someone and confess it to them but get rejected. You should pat yourself on the back for being bold, fearless, and going for what you want. Even though you got rejected, you can move ahead with clarity, satisfaction, and pride in your heart.

When you can never have the person you are in love with, it leaves a permanent mental scar on you. You always feel empty and sad, wishing for and imagining about them. It pains you deeply to know that you can never be with them.

But you should not give up. Nothing is permanent. So, if your crush told you you can’t have them, do not lose heart. Walk away for now, but do not lose hope.

The reality is nobody knows how fast things can change. So, you may fall in love with a person you once hated. That’s how uncertain and wide-open life is. 

Keep believing and keep making subtle efforts to win their heart. One day, your love interest will fall in love with you.

True love is already a winner as it is pure, selfless, and unconditional. A person who truly loves someone already has the required strength within them. Since they have a heart of gold, they are destined to love and be loved forever by the person they love. 

And even if they can’t be together, they still win, as not many can master the art of genuinely loving someone.

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