Signs Your Higher Self Is Talking To You In 6 Indirect Ways

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The Different Versions Of You

How do you find signs your higher self is talking to you?

There are very clear signals when it happens.

We are born as individuals.

But the possibilities within us divide us into three versions of ourselves.

These are the lower self, the present self, and the higher self.

These three versions of us constantly interact among themselves to give us an average version of ourselves.

The lower self represents your past and the things you were or the ones you do not want to be anymore.

Your current self is who you are at this moment.

Your current self can also be seen as the average version of yourself as the former is the closest to the latter.

You may like it or not, you are what you are in this moment.

Many people let their lower selves define it, others live in constant denial of it, while the remaining use the power of belief to change their present selves to their liking.

Your highest self is the self that you want to be.

You set goals and objectives in pursuance of your highest self.

Thus, everything you do is in accordance with achieving your higher self.

We can work in the present to improve our present self and take it towards our higher self.

But the path to do this is full of stress and challenges.

It becomes a lot simpler and straightforward if your higher self guides you to achieve it.

But the question is how to make our higher self guide us to itself when we do not have any access to it.

You may not have full access to your higher self right now but it’s still within you and a lively part of you.

What you need to do is to invigorate it within yourself so that it can start guiding you.

So, you need to constantly remind yourself of the person you want to become and all the things you want to have in life.

When the effort and time are just right, the spirit of your higher self will get activated within you.

It will then start guiding you towards it.

But how will you know that it’s started happening for you?

What are the signs your higher self is talking to you or guiding you towards itself?

Signs Your Higher Self Is Talking To You

signs your higher self is talking to you

There are 6 clear-cut signs your higher self is talking to you.

You Stop Looking Back

The first sign among the signs your higher self is talking to you is that you no longer look back in life.

The past can be painful and sticky to the mind.

Good or bad, we always tend to relate ourselves to our past.

Sometimes, it gives us solace but at other times it traumatizes us.

One thing that is given is that you cannot move ahead toward your higher self if you keep looking back at your past.

So, till your higher self hasn’t started talking to you, you will keep looking back.

But the moment your higher self starts talking to you, you will no longer associate yourself with your past.

You will be driven by your higher self towards it.

You will neither have the time nor the need to look back.

Your attention is grabbed by your higher self in a way that inspires you forever and you stop looking back altogether in life.

Thus, not looking back in life anymore is the next among the signs your higher self is talking to you.

You Stop Focusing On The Negatives

signs your higher self is talking to you

The next sign among the signs your higher self is talking to you is that you stop focusing on the negatives in life.

When we are in the present without any connection with our higher self, our lower and present self dominate our existence.

They always show us either what went wrong in our lives or what we do not have right now.

They tend to drag us back by making us regressive in our thought and our approach towards life.

But the moment our higher self starts talking to us, all the lacunae and shortages start vanishing.

We forget what bad happened to us in the past or what we lack in the present.

We just feel lucky and happy to be living this life which fills us with gratitude.

This marks the beginning of a great journey.

Thus, giving up focus on the negatives is the next among the signs your higher self is talking to you.

You Stop Being Overly Critical

The next sign among the signs your higher self is talking to you is that you stop being overly critical in life.

Always complaining and being overly critical regarding everything in life is a side-effect of being negative.

So, till your higher self has not started influencing you, you are trapped in negativity which makes you a person of a complaining nature.

You always criticize others, make fun of them, and bad-mouth everyone you do not like.

But as soon as your higher self starts talking to you, you give up criticisms.

You understand the situation of people and start to respect them.

You Become More Relaxed

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The next sign among the signs your higher self is talking to you is that you become more relaxed.

When your higher self hasn’t started talking to you, you feel anxious, stressed, and restless all the time.

The agony about the past and the worry about the future seems to be feeding off your inner peace.

You even get mad at times which takes away your inner peace and pushes you into mental chaos and panic.

But when your higher self starts talking to you, you become peaceful.

All your worries and anxiety get released as you receive the assurance of a great future from your higher self.

Thus, you start feeling satisfied and content in life.

You Start Focusing On The Positives

The next sign among the signs your higher self is talking to you is that you start focusing on the positives in life.

Till the time your higher self has not started talking to you, you were trapped in negativity and hopelessness.

It felt as if life had no future for you.

But when your higher self starts talking to you are filled and surrounded by positivity.

You feel yourself to be open and willing to learn and improve yourself to any extent that may be required.

You feel you deserve all you want in life and that you will be able to achieve every single thing on that list.

Also, you feel that no matter what or how big a challenge comes in front of you, you will achieve your goals and objectives in life.

Positivity becomes your way in life when your higher self starts talking to you.

You Feel Free & Liberated

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The next sign among the signs your higher self is talking to you is that you start feeling liberated and free in life.

When your higher self has not started talking to you, you may feel to be confused, frustrated, and caged in life.

You will feel that no matter what you do or how hard you try, freedom and happiness won’t happen to you.

This may keep you disappointed with life and hence sad all the time.

But when your higher self starts talking to you, the gates of liberation and freedom open within you.

You can do anything with minimal thinking or effort so much so that it starts feeling that everything is happening on its own.

Everything starts flowing and life becomes smooth and effortless.

You experience true freedom within yourself and in leading the process of life which gives you eternal fulfilment.

Thus, feeling free and liberated is the final among the signs your higher self is talking to you.

Create The Necessary Conditions

Finding signs your higher self is talking to you can help you access your higher self.

Accessing your higher self is like the blossoming of a flower.

You cannot make it happen but only provide it with the necessary conditions so that it happens.

These conditions include developing self-belief within yourself and focusing on who you want to become.

When an unshakeable faith in your higher self gets developed, your higher self starts talking to you and guiding you to make it your present self.

And in this journey to achieve your higher self, self-love remains an important agent.

It ensures that you achieve your higher self in a way that helps you love yourself even more.

Thus, you achieve a higher self that is full of self-love which lets you live the life you were destined to live.

So, when you get signs your higher self is talking to you, make full use of the opportunity.

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