Mind is The Key To Self Love Habits
Training the mind for self love habits can change our lives.
It’s often said that we should adopt healthy habits.
What are habits?
We make many simple, small, and basic, choices every day in our lives.
We may choose between getting up every day at a particular time, doing a particular thing to keep us physically fit, or eating a particular meal to stay healthy.
Whatever we do is a result of the choices we make.
When we keep making the same choices over and over again, these choices take a more concrete form over time and become our habits.
And it’s our habits that define who we eventually become.
If our habits are good, they give us a healthy lifestyle, thus making our lives better.
And what can be a better habit than to love yourself?
Self love keeps us alive, helps us constantly become a better version of ourselves, and thus fulfills all our aspirations and desires.
So, we have to make the right choices and thus make self love a habit in our lives.
Which daily choices have the potential to make self love our habit?
There are many.
You can make every choice keeping your self love in mind thus making your whole life a habit to love yourself.
But this cannot be done in one go.
We have to move ahead one step at a time.
So, what is the most basic thing in our life that needs to be trained for self love?
It’s our mind!
If our mind can develop the habit of self love, it would be a great beginning for two reasons.
First, you must have heard the idiom ‘well begun is half done’.
Thus, if our mind can develop the habit of self love, it would become much easier for us to adopt self love habits.
Second, they say that 70% of the quality of life we live depends on our mind and the thoughts it generates.
Thus, a major part of the battles of life is fought in the mind.
If our mind develops the habit of self love, our lives would become straightforward and much more easier.
So, how do we train our minds to develop self love habits?
This can be done by training it with the 10 most effective practices of the mind that aid the flourish of unconditional self love within itself.
When our mind gets trained for these self love practices, it will develop the habit of self love.
And as our mind develops the habit of self love, it spreads self love within us and our lives.
Self Love Habits For The Mind
So, what are these 10 most effective practices of the mind which train it for self love habits?
Staying in The ‘Meditative Zone’
The first of the self love habits that you need to train your mind with is ‘staying in the meditative zone’ once your mind attains it.
When the mind is not generating any thoughts, it means that it is at complete peace.
In this condition of the mind, it functions at its best.
Mental peace is the foundation of self love and all the good things in our lives.
It makes life spontaneous, simple, clear, and effortless.
And when the mind is in this peaceful state, self love becomes obvious.
When there is no stress in the mind at all, slowly peace begins to rise and take the form of happiness.
And when we are happy with ourselves, self love activities become natural to us.
So, if we can inculcate the habit of staying in this meditative space of our mind, we can enhance self love within us.
But people’s perception of an empty mind is negative right now.
They think that an empty mind is the place of something evil.
They are scared of their mind being empty.
So, the moment, their mind gets empty, they snap out of it by pushing their minds into the chaos of multiple thoughts again.
We need to change this perception and see a peaceful mind for what it is.
When we do this, we can build the habit of keeping our mind free of thoughts and hence promote this self love habit within ourselves.
This is how the first of the self love habits of the mind helps in enhancing self love in life.
Not Entertaining Multiple Thoughts in A Given Moment
The second of the self love habits that you need to train your mind with is ‘not entertaining multiple thoughts in a particular moment’.
Multi-tasking is very popular these days.
People need to multi-task in this fast-paced world.
They are even proud of being a multi-tasker.
But the side-effect of being a multi-tasker is developing the habit of dealing with multiple thoughts all the time.
If you can’t maintain a thoughtless mind, then you should at least be willing to focus on only one thought at a time.
Multiple thoughts give your body and your mind a lot of stress.
They confuse you and make your body go through a self-created turmoil.
Over time, a person with constant multiple thoughts is bound to get slow, irritable, frustrated, and mad.
Such people also start looking older than they are.
Multi-tasking or entertaining multiple thoughts in a given moment is against self love and you should willingly quit doing it.
Any person who loves themselves would develop the habit of entertaining only a single thought at a time.
It would keep life simple and help you maintain your self love quotient at a high level.
This is how the second of the self love habits of the mind helps in enhancing self love in life.
Differentiating Thoughts Or Developing Thought Boundaries
The third of the self love habits that you need to train your mind with is ‘differentiating various thoughts from one another’.
Many people are in the habit of mixing many thoughts.
This is a level worse than having multiple thoughts.
Mixing multiple thoughts means that there are no clear boundaries to your thoughts.
So, when you think of a particular thought, many other thoughts are going on in your mind simultaneously and they overlap the main thought.
This pushes you into an even bigger turmoil.
Some people enjoy it and see it as a rush of energy through them.
But basically, it’s a huge amount of stress to deal with multiple overlapping thoughts.
It can also be seen as an energy of mental chaos that over time weakens one’s thinking or mental abilities.
When your thoughts are underdeveloped or have no boundaries, they will create a constant haze in your mind.
This haziness would weaken your ability to think, the perception of your goals, their paths, and even the image of your true identity in your mind.
It doesn’t let you develop as a person.
Hence, it’s of utmost importance that you develop the habit of differentiating your thoughts or developing clear boundaries for each one of them.
Again, one easy way to do this is to entertain only one thought at a time, and going to the next one only the first one is complete.
It would keep one thought separate from another and would thus aid mental or thought organization.
Unbordered thoughts pose a risk to your very identity and hence to your self love.
So, develop the habit of demarcating clear boundaries to all your thoughts and hence differentiate them from each other.
This is how the third of the self love habits of the mind helps in enhancing self love in life.
No Overthinking or Setting Vertical Boundaries of Thoughts
The fourth of the self love habits that you need to train your mind with is ‘not to overthink’.
Separating one thought from another is important.
Equally important is not going on and on with a particular thought limitlessly.
If horizontal boundaries are important for thoughts, so are their vertical boundaries.
Limiting a thought to a decent vertical limit is what makes it a fully developed thought with the perfect shape.
When there are no vertical boundaries of thought, the person is caught in overthinking.
And when any thought is stretched beyond its optimal length or size, it is bound to become negative.
These negative thoughts then lower your confidence, clarity of your perception, and hence your self love.
They become capable of shaking your inner peace which is the foundation of self love within you.
Hence, it’s important to develop the habit of not overthinking.
This is how the fourth of the self love habits of the mind helps in enhancing self love in life.
Train Your Mind To Think Freely
The fifth of the self love habits that you need to train your mind with is ‘to think freely’.
Many people do not give their minds the freedom to think.
They are scared of what their mind may show them.
They are afraid that they may not be able to handle it.
So, they impose their own choice of thoughts onto their minds.
Sometimes, they even dictate what their mind should think about these thoughts.
They may force their minds to an extent where it becomes mental torture to their mind and hence to their self.
Thus, we must train or let our minds think freely.
Initially, it may show you something you don’t want to see but eventually, it will all be for the best.
Remember, you can overcome a problem only when you accept it and are not scared of it.
So, don’t be afraid of the free thoughts of your mind.
Initially, it may also take a lot longer to give you some outputs on a particular topic but be patient with it.
When your mind learns to think freely, it will be the biggest asset you can ever ask for.
Remember that the human mind is the most advanced supercomputer on the planet.
By setting your mind free, you set a big part of yourself free that enhances your self love tremendously.
Thus, develop the habit of letting your mind think freely and without any pressure on you.
This is how the fifth of the self love habits of the mind helps in enhancing self love in life.
Not Letting Doubts Grow Into Negative Thoughts
The sixth of the self love habits that you need to train your mind with is ‘not letting doubts grow into negative thoughts’.
Nothing harms self love more than negative thoughts.
They contain you, your free & positive thinking, and thus your growth in the right direction.
But the seeds of these negative thoughts are the doubts that we allow to germinate in our minds.
Doubts are healthy as they warn us against something we don’t want in our lives.
But if we don’t timely address them, they become a stronger form of themselves and turn into negative thoughts.
Thus, it’s important that as soon as doubts crop up in our minds, we pluck them meaningfully and throw them out.
This can easily be done by cross-checking or confirming if the doubt is true.
If it’s not, we don’t have anything to worry about and they would be removed on their own now.
But if our doubt is true, we can work on it and remove the underlying threat or problem.
This way we can make positive use of our doubts and also prevent them from becoming negative thoughts.
By developing the habit of eliminating doubts as soon as they crop up in our mind, we safeguard our self love and hence allow it to grow within us.
This is how the sixth of the self love habits of the mind helps in enhancing self love in life.
Building On Our Positive Thoughts
The seventh of the self love habits that you need to train your mind with is ‘building on our positive thoughts’.
What do you do when your mind generates positive thoughts?
You either act on them to grow them and make them a reality or you feel good for some time and then forget them.
If you do the latter, you risk falling back into the negativity zone.
But if you do the former each time you get a positive thought, you turn the positive thought into a reality and hence enhance self love within yourself.
A high level of positivity and an increased number of positive developments in life promote self love activities in your life, hence filling you with greater self love and adoration.
Hence, develop the habit of building on the positive thoughts your mind generates.
This is how the seventh of the self love habits of the mind helps in enhancing self love in life.
Not Getting Into The Minds of Other People
The eighth of the self love habits that you need to train your mind with is ‘not getting into the minds of other people’.
A very bad habit that not only reduces self love but also gives a lot of pain and suffering to people is getting into the minds of other people.
This is to think about what others are thinking about them.
Other people judging them wasn’t bad enough that they started judging themselves too through the lenses of other people.
Eventually, these people make the thoughts of others their thoughts which is a big blow to their self love.
It makes them constantly doubt themselves and be critical of everything they think or do, hence pushing them towards depression.
Thus, you should make it a point to adopt the habit of not getting into the minds of other people.
By doing so, you will be able to safeguard your self love and also stay peaceful within yourself.
This is how the eighth of the self love habits of the mind helps in enhancing self love in life.
Not Giving Up
The ninth of the self love habits that you need to train your mind with is ‘not giving up’.
When you give up easily, your self-respect and confidence take a hit which are deeply connected with your self love.
Thus, if you don’t give up despite a lot of hardships and challenges, your self love quotient rises dramatically as your self-respect rises in your own eyes.
Thus, you should develop the habit of being mentally strong and not giving up easily.
But remember, being mentally strong and not giving up doesn’t mean you want to satisfy your ego and try too hard for success.
Strength lies in standing up for yourself peacefully and staying there despite all the odds being against you.
It is a state of constant prayer backed by consistent dedicated efforts.
Thus, develop the habit of peacefully not giving up and it will add to your self respect and self love.
This is how the ninth of the self love habits of the mind helps in enhancing self love in life.
Making Your Mind Your Best Friend
The tenth and last of the self love habits that you need to train your mind with is ‘making your mind your best friend’.
Your mind is the most thing important in your body.
It’s like your headquarters where every small and big decision is taken.
It controls all the other parts of your body and thus controls your life.
Thus, it calls for making your mind your best friend.
If this can be made possible, both self love and your life itself could be enhanced.
So, talk to yourself.
Tell yourself everything you feel and make it your companion and your confidant.
Tell it your fears, share your concerns, and reveal what your aspirations are.
And whatever the suggestions your mind gives, trust them and take action on them.
It will strengthen the rapport between you and your mind.
If you trust it, it will trust you back and shower you with rewards.
It will unlock all its powers and create for you whatever you want in life.
A healthy relationship between you and your mind would uplift you and raise your self love.
Thus, develop the habit of treating your mind as your best friend.
This is how the tenth & last of the self love habits of the mind helps in enhancing self love in life.
Train Your Mind To Develop Self Love Habits
Self love habits are important to raise the self love quotient in your life and hence take your life to its highest potential.
And in making this possible, your mind holds the key as it’s the central point of your life around which everything revolves.
Thus, how you choose to train your mind or what habits you give to it is very important.
Give it the habits that can keep it calm, help it develop and reach its full potential, and make it promote the right things within itself.
The healthy habits you give your mind would train it to eliminate negativity and enhance self love within itself and hence within you.
When your mind is filled with self love habits, your life will be full of infinite peace, happiness, & self love.