Men Need Love Too
For many, self love for men is a much more difficult thing to believe than self love itself.
People, including men, think that self love, or love for that matter, isn’t for men.
Men are supposed to be strong and love and self love make them weak.
So, let alone the love of someone else, men aren’t allowed to love themselves.
But men are human beings too.
They need all the things other people need.
Thus, self love for men is important.
Men need self love more than anyone else.
It’s because they are the ones who are almost completely devoid of love.
Men are trained not to love themselves and the ones who do, are made to feel embarrassed about it.
They are just supposed to work hard, get good jobs, and earn a lot of money.
That is their only worth right now in the eyes of the society.
Men who are lucky get partners who love them.
But mostly, men are loved only for their money, wealth, & power which is equivalent to getting no love at all.
Thus, men cannot leave love to their luck anymore.
They need to find a way to increase love in their lives.
Self love for men is the beginning of this journey.
When men start loving themselves, they will also start attracting people who love them.
Thus, self love for men must find expression.
Self Love For Men
How can men start loving themselves?
Here are 7 simple steps that would develop self love for men.
Slowly Open The Doors To Your Emotions
The first thing to do to develop self love for men is to open the doors to your emotions.
From childhood itself, the male child is taught not to cry and to be “strong”.
This is the beginning of them starting to suppress their feelings.
And by the time, they grow and become adults, they have completely forgotten how to connect to their emotions.
It’s as if the doors to their emotions have been shut very tightly.
When you aren’t able to feel anything, your mental health becomes very fragile.
You have to consistently act to be strong because even if you let the slightest of doubts enter your mind, it could lead to a domino effect.
This domino effect could easily trigger your mental breakdown in no time.
That’s why men do not express their feelings or emotions.
But for self love to germinate within you, the doors to your emotions need to open.
You just have to talk to yourself and remind yourself that it’s okay to feel your emotions.
You don’t have to be “strong” anymore.
And who knows what real strength is anyway?
Is it not crying or is it the ability to connect with your feelings and emotions?
When you try to open those doors, it may be very scary at first.
So, do it slowly.
Give yourself all the time you need.
Just keep reminding yourself that you are going to be okay and that it’s not a weakness to acknowledge your true feelings.
You can also take the help of a close female friend or your partner if you want.
In some time, it will all be okay and you will be able to connect to your feelings.
You will start making yourself capable of self love.
That’s how opening the doors to your emotions can help in developing self love for men.
Talk, Feel, & Express Yourself
The second thing to do to develop self love for men is to talk, feel, & express yourself.
When you become able to acknowledge your feelings and emotions fully, learn not to keep them only to yourself.
Not expressing what you feel may lead to a tsunami of thoughts and feelings within you.
It may be too burdensome and overwhelming.
So, choose a friend or two whom you trust.
Talk to them about your feelings related to things happening in your life.
This will have threefold benefits for you.
First, you will feel light, hence adding to your ability to love yourself.
Second, you will be able to connect & bond with people which also means being able to share love with them.
And third, talking it out will give you practical solutions to your issues which would make your life simpler and you more capable of self love.
Again, remember that sharing your feelings with your loved ones isn’t a weakness, it’s a strength.
Whenever you make yourself capable of doing what you weren’t able to do earlier, you are becoming stronger.
Life wants balance from us and that’s what men do when they start sharing their feelings with their loved ones.
And making yourself balanced is again a strength that takes a lot of inner strength to be able to do.
That’s how talking, feeling, and expressing yourself can help in developing self love for men.
Do What You Want To Do
The next thing to do to develop self love for men is to do what you want to do.
Men are always supposed to keep only one thing in mind while making all their decisions – money.
They sacrifice everything including self love for earning big bucks.
In a bid to earn huge amounts of money, they give up their leisure, hobbies, & passion.
They are never able to do what they want to do.
So, when you are capable of sharing your feelings with others, your next target should be to make yourself free of all the conditioning and expectations.
Feel free from within and do things that you always wanted to do.
Take your deepest sleep in years, go for a swim, fish while you lie in your boat on a lazy weekend afternoon, go out and play golf, relax on your favorite beach, go traveling, etc.
And the most important of them all, choose the profession of your choice and not the profession that you do for money.
Fulfill all your wishes that were left unattended due to your busy schedule earlier.
A man is complete not by what he has, he is complete by what he does.
Thus, do a variety of things that make you happy and complete.
Unleash the child inside you who couldn’t do all that he wanted just because he was supposed to become “strong”.
When you do the things you always wanted to do, it would mean that the development of self love has begun for you.
That’s how doing what you want to do can help in developing self love for men.
Stop Running & Choose To Drop Out of The Rat Race
The next thing to do to develop self love for men is to stop running & choose to drop out of the rat race.
Men were inherently made to expand.
They liked to run across and conquer wherever they went.
But today, most men aren’t looking to conquer or rule.
They are in search of meaning, balance, and love.
They just need a realization and a little help to start their journeys.
Thus, to change yourself, give up the ego you are instilled with, stop comparing yourself with others, and give up the meaningless objectives your mind has been fixed on.
It’s okay if you don’t have all the money in the world.
It’s also okay if the person next to you has more money, wealth, and power than what you possess.
Those aren’t the things anymore that make you a man.
Instead, find the stable space within your mind, heart, & soul.
Look around you and acknowledge the beauty and magic that’s going on everywhere.
Allow this magic to enter you and fill your life with freedom, self love, & happiness.
Choose who you want to be today and enjoy your life.
That’s how choosing to drop out of the rat race can help in developing self love for men.
Chill, Laugh, Enjoy
The next thing to do to develop self love for men is to chill, laugh, & enjoy.
When you drop out of the rat race to be ahead of everyone and earn more than them, you will realize what you were missing in your life.
It was the time you could have spent in the company of your true self.
So, now that you have chosen the right path for yourself, just relax.
Look at the small things in life that are filled with humor and laughter to give yourself a good time.
Replace the stress in your life with enjoyment, excitement, and entertainment.
Wherever you may be, make it your own and enjoy that time to the fullest.
When you stop being a “man” and just concentrate on being a human being, that is when you realize how straightforward life is.
It gives you exactly what you put into it.
Thus, forgive yourself for your past and start loving yourself.
Doing this would fill your life with love, gratitude, and positivity.
That’s how chilling, laughing, & enjoying can help in developing self love for men.
Give Yourself The Freedom To Fail
The next thing to do to develop self love for men is to give yourself the freedom to fail.
Men are also always expected to succeed in what they do.
When they are looking for a job, they are supposed to get the best job with the highest salary.
When they start working and earning well, they are supposed to get promotions faster than others.
And even when they become the CEO of their company, they are supposed to be doing better than the other CEOs.
They are just not given the luxury of failing in what they do.
So, when you drop out of that race and start working on developing self love in your life, you may fail at times in your professional ventures.
People might mock you for it and give you a mouthful for “failing”.
Do not give the opinions of others too much emphasis.
The only thing you need to give yourself is the freedom to fail sometimes.
Balance is what matters, if there is a cost for it, so be it.
It’s better to fail sometimes in your professional endeavors than to fail as a person.
But these professional failures would be a passing phase for you.
They would be there only before the time you have developed self love within yourself.
When you love yourself, either failures don’t come at all or if they come, your perception regarding them would no longer be negative.
You would know that self love is more important and that failures are a part & parcel of life which teach us many important lessons.
So, allow yourself to fail at times, and do not be surprised or sad when they happen.
It may give you short-term pain but in the long term, the reward would be eternal self love.
That’s how giving yourself the freedom to fail can help in developing self love for men.
Love & Let Yourself Be Loved
The last thing to do to develop self love for men is to love & let yourself be loved by others.
When you have developed self love within yourself as a man, love will come from all directions in your life.
Love is infectious and when you have love within yourself it’s bound to attract even more love at a really fast pace and in big amounts.
At this point, you would have moved from one extreme of the spectrum to its other extreme.
That is to say, you would have moved from being a workaholic whose only objective in life was to earn money to becoming someone who is filled with self love himself and who is loved by one and all.
Now, you will be able to balance your life.
You would be able to earn money that is necessary for your financial security and you would have the love that is necessary for staying happy as a human being.
So, love yourself and the people around you and let yourself be loved by them, hence allowing an overflow of love in your life.
Thus, at this stage, you would become fully capable of self love as a man.
That’s how loving and letting yourself be loved can help in developing self love for men.
Fill Your Life With Self Love
To develop and grow self love for men, you first need to get your priorities and choices in order.
You need to realize that money isn’t the only thing you require in life and that self love is far more important.
Upon this realization, you need to develop the courage to fall out of the race for money and power.
You should now start doing activities and practices that mean something to you and that give you inner peace & happiness.
During this time, you might fail many times, both in terms of money and self love, but do not give up.
Peaceful persistence is also a self love mantra that you should always believe in and stick to while trying to develop unconditional self love for men.
When you do not give up irrespective of the failures you get in the way, the path will keep getting easier.
A time would come when you would start feeling light, peaceful, and happy.
At this point, know that you are going in the right direction and that self love is rising within you.
Keep walking on this path of self love and you will soon be filled with it.
Self love would give your life the necessary balance it always needed.
And it would give you the freedom, inner peace, happiness, and love you had always been looking for in your life.
Thus, self love for men is important and it’s time it finds ground within you.