How To Trust Your Intuition When You Have Anxiety In 6 Easy Ways

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Anxiety Degrades Intuition

Are you looking for ways to know how to trust your intuition when you have anxiety?

Trust is an important aspect of our lives.

Only when we can trust ourselves, can we create a successful life.

And when we trust ourselves, it becomes easier to trust others.

By trusting others, we can build meaningful relationships which make our lives even more beautiful.

Thus, trust is the foundation of living a fulfilled life.

But trust is threatened by many negative emotions.

One such negative emotion is anxiety.

When you have anxiety, it becomes difficult to trust your intuition or your inner voice.

And when we trust it, we make the mistake of trusting the negative inputs of our anxious mind & body.

If we can find a way to reach our natural & positive intuitions, we will not only make the right choices in life but will also be able to rid ourselves of anxiety.

And when our intuitions become spot on once again, it will become easy for us to trust them.

So, let’s find out how to trust your intuition when you have anxiety.

How To Trust Your Intuition When You Have Anxiety

how to trust your intuition when you have anxiety

There are 7 steps involved in figuring out how to trust your intuition when you have anxiety.

Minimise Your Anxiety

The first step to knowing how to trust your intuition when you have anxiety is to minimize your anxiety.

You cannot trust your intuition when you have anxiety.

If you do, it will not only be wrong but it may also put you in deep trouble.

When you have anxiety, your intuitions are aligned to make your path longer and harder.

It will make you more fearful or make you aggressive which will add to your misery.

So, before you trust your intuition, you need to minimize your anxiety.

This can be done by making yourself more physically active, talking to yourself to make yourself feel relaxed, and facing your fears.

When you consistently do these things over some time, your anxiety will fall to its minimum.

When you have minimized your anxiety, you get one step closer to learning how to trust your intuition when you have anxiety.

Do Not Get Overwhelmed By Your Thoughts

how to trust your intuition when you have anxiety

The next step to knowing how to trust your intuition when you have anxiety is to not get overwhelmed by the magnitude of your thoughts.

When you have minimized your anxiety, your intuition will become relatively more trustworthy than before, but only marginally.

So, it’s still not as trustworthy as it should be.

So, we have to maintain the minimum status of our anxiety and make some more changes before we can trust our intuition.

At this stage, your anxiety may have minimized but there is still a risk of it getting out of control.

To maintain your anxiety at its minimum level, you need to ensure that you do not get influenced or overwhelmed by the magnitude of thoughts your mind generates.

These thoughts will try to push you back into anxiety by increasing your mental pressure.

But you have to let them go and hence maintain your steadiness.

When you are steady enough, we can move on to the next step.

Steer Clear Of Negative Thoughts

The next step to knowing how to trust your intuition when you have anxiety is to steer clear of the negative thoughts.

When your anxiety is under control, the next layer of thoughts you have to tackle is that of negative thoughts.

Your anxiety is partly a result of your negative thoughts.

Negative thoughts contain and demotivate you to keep you small and miserable. 

And if you trust your intuition based on these negative thoughts, your intuition will still be wrong and highly destructive for you.

Thus, you need to steer clear of these negative thoughts too before you can trust your intuition.

So, do not believe them and turn them into positive thoughts by putting a convincing positive argument in front of them.

Also, and this is very important, keep yourself happy as much as possible. 

Do things that give you true happiness and stop hurting yourself in any possible way.

When you are free of all the negative thoughts, your intuition will no longer be under their influence.

Reach The Highest Level Of Positive Thoughts

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The next step to knowing how to trust your intuition when you have anxiety is to reach the highest possible level of positive thoughts.

When you have minimized your anxiety and gotten rid of your negative thoughts, you can start trusting your intuition.

But this intuition may or may not be correct.

To make your intuition right and highly beneficial to you, you need to reach the highest level of your positive thoughts.

There are three levels of positive thoughts.

The first level of positive thoughts tells you that you are safe and secure.

The second level tells you that you are getting better.

The third level tells you that you are capable of achieving anything you may want and thus fulfilling all your dreams & aspirations.

You have to reach this highest level of positive thoughts.

Reaching it will help you safely stay away from negative thoughts and get intuitions of the highest quality.

When your intuitions are real, highly positive, and beneficial to you, it will be much easier to trust them.

Reaching the highest level of your positive thoughts is one of the most important steps in learning how to trust your intuition when you have anxiety. 

Cross-Check With Natural Laws

The next step to knowing how to trust your intuition when you have anxiety is to cross-check it with nature and its laws.

When anxiety and negative thoughts are no longer influencing or obstructing your intuitions, they are more likely to be true.

Intuitions are nothing but a product of your deepest and strongest beliefs.

And when your beliefs come from the highest level of positive thoughts, your intuitions start shaping your life positively.

Thus, at this stage, you can fully start trusting your intuition.

But to further strengthen your trust in your intuition, you can cross-check them using nature itself.

If your intuition resonates with a natural law, it’s a sign that it might be correct.

For example, after a failure, your intuition may say that it’s not the end and that something great is soon going to happen in your life.

Check it with the natural laws to confirm that your intuition is correct.

We know that every failure makes us stronger and capable of achieving something bigger.

You fail only because your capabilities are higher than what you were working for, which is why your higher self rejected it.

This confirms that your intuition was correct.

This also teaches you to always trust your positive intuitions.

When natural laws reinforce your intuition, you can trust your intuition with full confidence.

Start Trusting

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The next step to knowing how to trust your intuition when you have anxiety is to start trusting your intuition.

When you are in the best position to trust your intuition, the main question remains – How to trust your intuition?

Intuition is an indication of what is going to happen or what you should do.

Also, intuition is called your “gut feeling”.

This means your whole body which is like your “big brain” gives you inputs about your life.

Such information given to self is mostly right.

So, the first rule is to never ignore your intuition, especially when it’s not in your favor.

When the intuition is favorable, prepare yourself to tap the opportunity.

But if the intuition is negative and may hurt you, you should not ignore it but use it to get alert and ready to deal with it.

This is how you trust your intuition to benefit from it.

You maximize your gains and minimize your possible losses in life.

At this point, you have learned how to trust your intuition when you have anxiety.

Resurrect Before Trusting Your Intuition

Learning how to trust your intuition when you have anxiety is a tricky affair.

When you have anxiety, you are not in a position to trust your intuition.

It’s because anxiety damages your instincts, which is another name for intuition.

So, do not consider your intuition to be correct when you are anxious.

The same is the case with your negative thoughts.

Only when you are positive enough, can you trust your intuition.

When you do, it will help you overcome your anxiety and negativity, thus allowing you to start a new vibrant life from scratch.

This new life will be full of positivity and self-love where you can trust your intuition and make your life like a dream come true.

So, put your knowledge of ‘how to trust your intuition when you have anxiety’ and turn your life into a fairy-tale.

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