How To Stop Making Excuses And Fall In Love With Yourself

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Excuses May Be Genuine Sometimes

Excuses are a big obstacle in the development of self love in one’s life.

Thus, you need to know how to stop making excuses and love yourself.

When we realize the importance of self love in our lives and decide to go after developing it, there are two possibilities.

We either go all the way and develop self love for ourselves or we make excuses and remain caught up in the process.

Excuses are generally seen as something we do intentionally.

But it’s possible that it’s not the case with many people.

Sometimes excuses may be honest ones that need to be taken care of and eventually be eliminated.

They may be genuine concerns for a particular person which might be diverting him or her away from the path of self love.

Thus, we will address some of the common excuses for not being able to access or develop self love in one’s life.

Let’s find out how to stop making excuses and hence start loving yourself.

How To Stop Making Excuses & Love Yourself

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One of the reasons why people don’t know how to stop making excuses is because they don’t have an answer to their excuses.

Thus, we will clear the air regarding these excuses so that you can gain a positive perspective on them and hence become able to start your self love journey.


When we talk about ‘how to stop making excuses and love yourself’, the first excuse is that you are still undecided on self love.

If we assume this excuse to be genuine, the possible reasons for this indecision may be threefold – a lack of interest, fear of starting something new, and inability to see the usefulness of the concept in your life.

The first reason for indecision which is a lack of interest in self love may have its roots in the lack of understanding of the concept of self love.

This lack of interest may be one of the biggest hurdles in the way of knowing how to stop making excuses and love yourself.

Self love is not something that you have an option with. 

It’s a foundational concept of human lives and a basic need for all of us.

Staying alive, making progress in life on various fronts, and fulfilling all our desires and longings, all depend upon the self love quotient we hold in our lives.

Thus, self love is something that you don’t decide upon, it’s something that you realize the need for and adopt for your betterment as a human being.

This is how we find a way around the excuse of a lack of interest in self love’ and find an answer to ‘how to stop making excuses and love yourself’.

The second reason for ‘indecision’ is the fear of starting something new.

This fear also blocks the way to knowing how to stop making excuses and love yourself.

Generally, when we start something new, it demands a lot of focus.

Thus, people don’t want to get into new concepts and things.

They want to keep running on the same old tracks as they feel “safe” there.

But safety that doesn’t let you grow in life is like a curse.

Something like self love that has the potential to change your life and give you your best possible life, should be given a go.

Your betterment is precious and any way that makes you better is worth giving a shot.

And it’s not that something bad would happen to you.

You would only be getting a constant supply of your love that would raise the quality of your life.

And in return, it demands only a little focus from you.

Self love would relieve you of your painful past and set you free in the present so that you can choose and build the future of your choice.

Thus, do not fear having to start something new.

It’s all in your best interest, hence embrace self love with an open heart.

Thus, we also know now that nothing is of more utility to you than self love.

This also caters to the third reason for your indecision regarding self love which was ‘confusion about the utility of self love’.

Thus, make up your mind on self love now and devote your life towards building the best possible life for yourself.

This is how we find a way around the excuse of ‘indecision’ and find an answer to ‘how to stop making excuses and love yourself’.

Shortage of Time

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The second excuse about ‘how to stop making excuses and love yourself’ is the shortage of time.

They say that they do understand the utility of self love but do not have the time to practice it.

Well, if you understand the utility of self love then you cannot say no to it.

Self love is the foundation of a good human life and nothing can be more important than the foundation itself.

The real problem here is that you are finding it difficult to make the switch from your previous schedules to the new routine that focuses more on self love activities.

The problem is that you are looking to make the switch in one go.

There may also be other commitments that you find difficult to handle while making this switch.

What you need to do here is to make the switch via one small step at a time as per your need and convenience.

And it’s not that you have to change your whole life.

You just have to give up some unhealthy habits and replace them with some activities and habits that would spread self love in your life.

But you should be completely committed to making this change, or else it could take a lot of time to materialize.

The speed of the change doesn’t matter, your commitment and dedication to the process does.

And till the time you make this switch, you can keep getting warmed up for a life full of self love by loving yourself more in everything that you do.

And when this change gets completed, your life will comprise of self love habits, self love activities, and self care activities.

A life full of self love would give you your best possible life.

This is how we find a way around the excuse of ‘shortage of time’ and find an answer to ‘how to stop making excuses and love yourself’.

Where To Start

The third excuse about ‘how to stop making excuses and love yourself’ is “we don’t know where to start”.

The change for self love in your life gets started in your mind.

You first have to revisit your past and free yourself of the things that bother you and block your path of self love.

You have to let go of the difficult moments of the past and forgive the people you think made your life miserable.

You also have to forgive yourself for not being able to defend yourself then.

Then you have to check your present self love status or standing so that you can identify the problem areas and start working on them.

When you start working on them, your self love journey will begin.

You can also use journaling and positive affirmations to get rid of the past and gain knowledge about yourself and your current self love standing.

And when you feel ready, you can then start with the self love and self care activities to enhance your self love.

Thus, the third common excuse for stalling self love stands clear at this point.

This is how we find a way around the excuse of ‘where to start’ and find an answer to ‘how to stop making excuses and love yourself’.

Difficult To Follow

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The fourth excuse about ‘how to stop making excuses and love yourself’ is that self love is difficult to follow.

Any journey seems a bit difficult in the beginning but becomes smooth and easy as we move ahead in it.

Self love journey is no different in this regard.

Thus, you have to be patient and keep moving forward.

It’s indeed difficult to love yourself initially when you have not done it earlier.

That’s what we need to learn to do.

You just have to treat yourself as a person whom you love.

You have to protect your interests and prioritize them over the interests of others.

It doesn’t amount to being against others or making them your enemy.

It just means that you are equipping yourself well to take care of yourself so that you can take good care of others.

You need to emphasize the fact that you are the most important thing in your life.

If you aren’t there, everything else ceases to exist for you.

When this feeling sinks deep within you, self love won’t be difficult for you anymore.

Some people also feel it embarrassing to put themselves above others.

They need to understand that it’s not your preaching, nature wants you to be so.

You have to keep yourself alive, well, and thriving at all times.

By putting yourself above others, you are also giving others the freedom to live their lives.

Sometimes, caring too much about others may amount to interfering in their lives.

Moreover, the people you put yourself and your interests above, are also free to put themselves above you and others.

There should be no shame or embarrassment in prioritizing yourself and your interests over others.

You should be proud of yourself for having the strength to put yourself above others.

So, self love should no longer be difficult for you and you should drop this excuse too.

This is how we find a way around the excuse of ‘difficult to follow’ and find an answer to ‘how to stop making excuses and love yourself’.

What If I Fail

The fifth excuse about ‘how to stop making excuses and love yourself’ is the fear of failure.

This excuse is not a conceptual confusion, rather it’s the inability to differentiate between two similar situations.

Fear of failure has no ground for consideration anywhere.

It’s probably the lamest excuse standing in the way of knowing how to stop making excuses and love yourself.

It’s because even if you fail, you will only be where you are right now.

So, there is nothing to lose in giving the concerned goal a shot.

It’s better to give self love a chance than to give it up altogether without even trying.

If you succeed, you get your best life for the rest of your life.

And if don’t succeed, you stay where you were.

So, you have nothing to lose and the opportunity of having another shot at it.

Do not let fear take away your opportunity for a better life.

Do not shy away from trying your heart out for things that matter.

If time passes by and you are left stranded, the only person to be blamed would be you.

So, give self love a shot and you never know.

It could give you everything that you are longing for in this moment.

But if the opportunity goes by, you may have to settle for things below what you truly deserve.

So, stop thinking about failure and start thinking about starting your self love journey.

This is how we find a way around the excuse of ‘what if I fail’ and find an answer to ‘how to stop making excuses and love yourself’.

Ditch Excuses To Develop Self Love

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Finding an answer to ‘how to stop making excuses and love yourself’ is very important in one’s life.

Great things happen only when excuses cease to exist in our lives.

Excuses freeze our way ahead and keep us where we are.

But when we embrace change and tread our way ahead fearlessly, only then can we develop and enhance self love within ourselves and our lives.

And when we have self love in our lives, things happen effortlessly and life keeps moving ahead with peace, happiness, and freedom.

When we find the answer to ‘how to stop making excuses and love yourself’, that is when our real life begins.

So, learn how to stop making excuses at the earliest and board the self love ship to take the best voyage of your life.

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