How To Remove Fear From Mind And Heart In 3 Ultimate Ways 

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The Most Powerful Negative Emotion

Do you want to know how to remove fear from mind and heart?

It’s not as difficult as it seems.

Life is a mixed bag.

It contains both positive and negative emotions.

Positive emotions open you up from within, make you feel relaxed, and fill you with love, happiness, and freedom.

But negative emotions trap you to hand you fear, self-doubt, and sadness.

Fear is the most powerful negative emotion.

It is mainly of three types.

The first kind of fear is related to our survival & safety.

The second kind of fear is the fear of staying stagnant in life and not being able to improve our inner condition and thus our external situation.

The main reason behind the fear of stagnancy is uncertainty.

Uncertainty makes people scared which prevents them from improving themselves, hence trapping them into stagnancy and obsoletion. 

And the third kind of fear is the fear of failure.

Fear, although a negative emotion, is important for our survival.

It’s the spiritual form of pain i.e. like pain is to the body, fear is to the mind.

Pain protects us from doing things that may hurt us physically.

If you didn’t feel the pain when you jumped from a mountain, you would have probably done it and ended your life.

Similarly, fear protects you from doing things that may hurt you mentally or physically.

Thus, fear is an inbuilt part of the human mechanism with the function to keep you safe & sound.

It becomes a problem only when it increases more than it should be.

This means that fear should not and cannot be eliminated from you.

It should be minimized to a level where it won’t trouble you but only serve you optimally.

When fear is minimized, it is as good as being removed from our minds and hearts.

So, let’s find out how to remove fear from mind and heart.

How To Remove Fear From Mind And Heart

how to remove fear from mind and heart

There are 3 ways to learn how to remove fear from mind and heart.

These three ways are the ways to eliminate the three types of fear that were explained earlier.

Remove The Fear of Survival & Safety

The first way to learn how to remove fear from mind and heart is to remove the fear of survival and safety from you.

The fear of survival and safety keeps us alive and safe.

But when this fear increases beyond a certain level, it becomes torturous.

You constantly fear for your life and safety which neither lets you be peaceful nor does it allow you to grow.

Thus, the fear of survival and safety needs to be removed or minimized. 

This can be done by keeping ourselves healthy, fit, & strong, both mentally and physically.

When you are healthy and strong, nothing can threaten your survival.

Thus, the fear of survival and safety gets minimized within you and you start feeling confident and good about yourself.

For sound mental health, you should involve yourself in meditation, Yoga, and deep breathing exercises.

These practices will keep you clear of any anxiety and stress which are the beginning of all mental issues.

To develop mental fitness & strength, follow the simple rule of not giving up.

The more you persist, the more your mental fitness and strength keep increasing.

To maintain your physical health, make some important lifestyle changes like getting proper sleep, eating healthy, and keeping yourself adequately physically active.

To become physically fit & strong, do regular exercise and work out to achieve a lean, muscular, and strong body.

When you are mentally & physically healthy and strong, your fear of survival and safety will minimize on its own.

When you have learned to remove the fear of survival and safety from you, you have also partly learned how to remove fear from mind and heart.

Remove The Fear Of Uncertainty

how to remove fear from mind and heart

The next way to learn how to remove fear from mind and heart is to remove the fear of uncertainty from you.

Uncertainty is your friend and not your enemy.

Uncertainty aims to keep your mind open which is a necessary condition for success.

Only when your mind is completely open can you evaluate a situation well and utilize all your resources properly.

But when you crave certainty, you start taking the way of success for granted.

This traps you in failures one after another.

Thus, only when you embrace uncertainty, do you become deserving of success.

Uncertainty is an opportunity and not an obstacle or threat for you.

When you realize this, the fear of uncertainty will be removed from your mind and heart.

You should take life as an opportunity to get used to uncertainty so that after a point, uncertainty becomes your friend and success becomes your way.

When you have learned to remove the fear of uncertainty for you, you have also learned how to remove fear from mind and heart up to a great extent.

Remove The Fear Of Failure

The final way to learn how to remove fear from mind and heart is to remove the fear of failure from you.

A big role in the fear of failure within you was the fear of uncertainty.

Uncertainty blocks your way to success thus making the fear of failure a natural emotion within you.

Thus, the removal of the fear of uncertainty from you will also help to a large extent in removing the fear of failure from you.

But the main reason for the fear of failure isn’t uncertainty.

It’s the lack of confidence, skill, and the temperament to succeed.

To remove the fear of failure from you, you need to work on these attributes.

To build confidence within you need three things – a clear plan, not comparing yourself to others, and being consistent in your hard work.

To build skill, the three things you need are knowledge, patience, and persistence.

To develop the temperament to succeed, you need calmness, the attitude of never giving up, and self-belief.

When you have developed the necessary confidence, skill, and temperament of success within yourself, the fear of failure will melt away.

And at this point, all your fears would stand removed from your mind and heart to finally make you bold & fearless.

When you have learned to remove the fear of failure from you, you have now fully learned how to remove fear from mind and heart.

Use Fear To Your Benefit

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Learning ‘How to remove fear from mind and heart’ can be an enlightening experience.

When fear gets minimized or removed from you, life will become simpler for you.

All the troubles you faced earlier in life will get cleared.

Life will start flowing fluently and effortlessly for you.

There are two simple rules to handle the fear that grips you.

Either minimize it or use it to your benefit.

You now know the way to minimize your fear.

To use your fear, take it positively.

It so happens that the bigger the challenge in front of you, the bigger the fear within you.

So, if your fear tells you that you may not get a job, take it as a sign to work harder and smarter.

This way your efforts will match the magnitude of your fear which will eventually help you overcome the situation easily.

Using these two ways you can easily learn how to remove fear from mind and heart.

And when fear leaves you, self-love enters your life and turns it into a living dream.

So, learn how to remove fear from mind and heart and live life king-size.

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