How To Know Your Worth As A Woman: A Reality-Check
A lot of women today struggle to know their worth as a woman.
Thus ‘how to know your worth as a woman’ has become a popular question among contemporary women.
Self love is a collection of things that lift you as a person in your own eyes and perception.
An important thing in this list is self-worth.
It’s a foundational concept within self love that gives feet to self love within you.
It’s very important to know your self-worth if you want to develop or enhance self love in your life.
When you feel that you matter, only then can you begin to love yourself.
It fills your life with meaning and nudges you to start valuing yourself and the things you do as a person.
Your self-worth opens your way to practice self love activities, make self love a habit, and thus enhance the self love within yourself.
And if you are a woman, it’s even more important that you know your self-worth.
Thus, you must find an answer to the question ‘how to know your worth as a woman’.
Women are the basis of the human race, human development, and human growth.
They perform several important tasks that only women can do.
Their contribution to human culture and civilization is irreplaceable.
If women weren’t there the backbone and progress of the human race would have collapsed, hence destroying the whole structure of human societies.
Today, her role has increased and she is not only the backbone of our culture & civilization but also an important wheel in our economic progress.
But since the very beginning, women have not been given their due respect & recognition.
Thus, even today many women find it difficult to know their worth.
Our systems are flawed and still under resurrection.
Till it’s repaired, every woman must realize her self-worth.
Thus, they need to find an answer to ‘how to know your worth as a woman’.
How To Know Your Worth As A Woman
‘How to know your worth as a woman’ may sound a little puzzling at first.
But it’s not a difficult task, you just have to realize the importance you hold as a woman in everybody’s lives around you.
But you also have to be open enough to see your value as a woman even if you do not do all the things you do currently.
If your self-worth comes only from the things you do, you will struggle to keep up.
Only when you see the worth of your presence which is free from all the things you do, would you be able to know your actual worth as a woman.
Thus, the true answer to ‘how to know your worth as a woman’ lies in knowing ‘who you are’ and not in ‘what you do’.
Knowing your self-worth based on who you are would mean that you won’t have to be reminded of it anymore.
You would know your self-worth every second of your life and you would become incapable of forgetting it.
Your self-worth would get deeply ingrained within your mind and your senses forever.
You would thus get an answer for life for ‘how to know your self-worth as a woman’.
You extract your self-worth from three places:
- The paid work you do.
- The unpaid but important activities that you perform.
- Your existence as a human being.
The answer to ‘how to know your worth as a woman’ is derived from these three important areas of a woman’s life.
Let’s look at them one by one.
Self Worth From The Paid Work Done By Women
The first thing that answers ‘how to know your worth as a woman’ is the paid work done by women.
Today, women are not only stepping out of their houses to earn but they are changing the ways our economic systems function.
Thus, if you are a woman who earns yet struggles to see her worth, struggle no more.
Register the fact that you are not only feeding people with your hard work but are contributing in a big way to the economy.
Thus, you do not have to depend on someone else to tell you your worth as a woman.
You are a strong and confident woman who is capable of doing everything any other person is capable of doing.
On some occasions, you are even better than others.
Hence, the real question for you should be ‘how to raise your worth as a woman’ and not ‘how to know your worth as a woman’.
You can be enslaved only till you aren’t mentally strong and in control of your emotions.
Thus, it’s not money that matters, it’s the freedom that you hold inside of you that decides your worth more.
It’s important to see your worth as a woman who earns and contributes to society, country, and the world.
But you should not rely too much on it to know your self-worth, or else it would take you in a completely wrong direction.
It would fill you with self-pride and ego in an amount that would be very unhealthy for you.
It would take you away from getting the answer to ‘how to know your worth as a woman’.
The same mistake was made by men and it’s almost impossible for them to come back now.
From a distance, it seems that men rule the world and that they have a great life.
Believe me, they don’t.
They struggle to find themselves more than anyone else.
They are trapped into a fake world which they have to accept as their fate now.
They are paying for the mistake they made and you should not repeat the same.
Thus, know your importance as a working woman but do not read too much into it else it will ruin you forever.
Don’t let money answer ‘how to know your self-worth as a woman’ in isolation.
Remember, it’s better to struggle to know your self-worth for a while than to become someone you are not.
This is how the paid work done by women answers ‘how to know your worth as a woman’.
Self Worth From The Unpaid Work Done By Women
The second thing that answers ‘how to know your worth as a woman’ is the unpaid work done by women.
It’s considered that the activities that don’t pay you or generate any income are worthless.
The reality is completely the opposite.
These activities and the people who perform them are the basis of all the activities that generate income.
Any skyscraper has its roots in the ground which we are not able to see.
The fact that we can’t see its foundation doesn’t mean that it’s not there or is any less important than the building itself.
If the foundation wasn’t there, the building would come down.
Similarly, the work that doesn’t pay anyone, most of which is still done by women, is the foundation of our economic system and thus is equally important.
Thus, the unpaid work done by women is an important contributor to answering ‘how to know your worth as a woman’.
Imagine what would happen if women didn’t cook food for the people who go out of the house to earn money.
What would happen if women didn’t take care of small children who grow up to earn big money?
And what would happen if they didn’t clean the spaces we live in?
The answer to ‘how to know your worth as a woman’ greatly lies in the unpaid work that women do for love.
Women do these activities not because they cannot do a corporate job.
We already talked about how women are doing these things.
Women do the household work that doesn’t pay them only because they can’t be replaced.
The way women handle these tasks cannot be done better by anyone else.
Hence, you need to realize all the activities you do for which you don’t get paid and imagine what would happen if you didn’t do them.
That would tell you your worth as a woman that you extract from the unpaid work you do.
It may range from doing household chores to helping somebody out to supporting and motivating somebody at home or out there.
Everything counts and adds to your self-worth and value as a woman.
This is how the unpaid work done by women answers ‘how to know your worth as a woman’.
Self-Worth From Your Existence As A Human Being
The third thing that answers ‘how to know your worth as a woman’ is the existence of women as a human being.
The unpaid work done by you doesn’t and shouldn’t define you and your self-worth as a woman completely or more than it should.
Doing unpaid work does add to your self-worth but what if you stop doing those things?
Would your self-worth not be there anymore?
No, it would still be there.
It would still be a very high amount of self-worth left of you.
It’s certainly the biggest chunk of your self-worth.
Where does this biggest chunk of your self-worth as a woman come from?
Your real and sustainable self-worth comes from your existence and from who you are as a person.
Thus, the most important answer to ‘how to know your worth as a woman’ lies in your existence.
Your money or unpaid work doesn’t define your self-worth as much.
Your mere being alive is of meaning and value to many and the most to yourself.
When you are just alive and not doing anything at all, you are making the biggest difference in life.
The fact that you are alive gives you your self-worth.
Thus, your life itself is your self-worth.
God intended you to live and you are doing that.
Nothing more can be important than this.
This holds the highest worth and value.
Thus, next time when you forget to do paid or unpaid work, do not define your self-worth based on it.
Put a value on your self-worth as a woman only from the fact that you are alive and breathing right now.
This self-worth is eternal and will always be with you.
It would answer ‘how to know your worth as a woman’ once and for all.
And this worth of yours as a woman can neither be diminished nor be taken away from you by anyone.
This is how the existence of women as human beings answers ‘how to know your worth as a woman’.
You Are Worth More Than You Can Ever Think
Asking the question ‘how to know your worth as a woman’ arises in the minds of contemporary women only because they have made the answer too hard for themselves in their minds.
The first thing that you need to do is to relax and not worry too much about finding the answer.
Instead of trying to find an answer, you must be more open to letting it find you.
So, don’t be too perturbed by the question ‘how to know your worth as a woman.
Your self-worth as a woman is not something to be known but something to be felt every moment of your life.
Thus, your self-worth as a woman is far more than you think right now.
Remember, all that you do and all that you do not do contributes to your self-worth as a woman and you would neither question it nor forget it ever in your life.
When you get the answer to ‘how to find your worth as a woman’, you won’t be able to help but fall in love with yourself.
And when you find self love within yourself, make it the best habit of your life.
Do the things that need to be done to enhance your self love and your worth as a woman would only keep rising within yourself.