18 Timeless Activities For Self Love You Should Practice

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Updated On: February 22, 2025

Activities To Promote Self-Love


Are you looking to begin your self-love journey but don’t know how to do that?


You are on the right track and have come to the right place.


When loving yourself, it’s better to be confused than lost. Many people mistakenly believe they already love themselves. But to love yourself, you must indulge in certain self-love activities. Doing these activities gives you fulfillment & happiness and generates self-love within you.


So, what are these activities? Let’s find out.

List of Activities For Self-Love

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Activities for self-love can be divided under two broad heads:


  1. Spiritual Activities For Self-Love
  1. Physical Activities For Self-Love 

Spiritual Activities For Self-Love 

The spiritual activities for self-love relate to your mind and thoughts. Here are some of the spiritual activities you can practice to develop self-love.

Taking Proper Rest


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Getting proper rest is one of the most critical self-loving activities. It refreshes your mind, reenergizes your body, and makes you feel more peaceful.


Thus, it’s imperative to take frequent breaks while working during the day and get proper sleep at night.


Proper rest is a must to keep yourself healthy and free of any disease.


Practicing Spiritual Well-Being Techniques


Spiritual well-being techniques include Yoga, Pranayama, and meditation.


Yoga helps balance your mind and body through various postures, while Pranayama gives you better control over your breath. Meditation is done for inner peace and tranquility.  


Practicing these basic spiritual wellness techniques is a great way to develop and experience deep self-love.


Mental Positivity


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Negativity not only wastes energy, but it also harms the mind and body and reduces one’s potential for self-love and personal growth. Thus, nurturing your mind with hope, positivity, and joy is necessary.


Here are some things you can do to be more positive:


1) Change your perception from negative to positive by reframing your thoughts.


2) Show gratitude by quickly remembering three things you are grateful for.


3) Surround yourself with positive people.


4) Use self-care activities like exercise or eating healthy as an instant mood booster.


5) Do not judge yourself or be self-critical, and nurture self-compassion.


6) Be kind to others.


7) Use suitable positive affirmations and self-talk. 


8) Limit exposure to news and social media.


9) Embrace self-acceptance and give up perfectionism.


10) Avoid multitasking as far as possible.


Mental Organisation


Mental clutter leads to stress, overthinking, and constant overwhelm.


Thus, consider organizing your thoughts.


A very important subtask is to practice letting go of all negative or unproductive thoughts.


Organizing your thoughts will help you stay calmer and more focused.


Building Self-Belief


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Self-belief is a must for self-love. Believing in yourself makes you feel confident and worthy of great things.


Here is how you can build self-belief within yourself:


1) Do not entertain self-doubt; challenge them.


2) Celebrate small wins to acknowledge them.


3) Fulfill the promises you make to yourself to build self-trust.


4) Step out of your comfort zone and try new things.


5) Spend time with people who believe in you.


6) Make a list of your qualities, skills, and achievements.


7) Stop seeking others’ approval and validate yourself.


8) Don’t be scared of failing, instead learn from your failures.


9) Use positive affirmations like ‘I am capable’ and ‘I am enough as I am’  to grow your self-belief.


10) Take care of yourself and keep yourself mentally & physically fit.



Praying to the creator nourishes you with life. It increases your self-esteem but keeps your ego in check. When you pray regularly, you start doing what is good for you. Thus, praying is a vital self-love activity that promotes other self-love activities. 

Self Improvement


When you constantly work on yourself to improve, you develop self-respect and self-love.


Here are some things you can do to work on self-improvement:


1) Decide what you want to improve, such as your health, mindset, skills, and confidence.


2) Nurture & develop a growth mindset by using positive affirmations like ‘I can do this.’


3) Keep reading, learning, and practicing continuously.


4) Develop positive habits like waking up early, eating healthy, exercising regularly, and practicing meditation/mindfulness.


5) Remember that growth happens outside your comfort zone.


6) Be around motivated and focused people.


7) Be more disciplined and take more responsibility.


8) Practice self-reflection through journaling. Check what’s working and what needs improvement. 


9) Do not see failures as obstacles but as stepping stones to success.


10) While you strive to improve, remember to balance it with self-care.




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Visualization of your goals and aspirations also helps you love yourself more. It gives you the feeling that your goals are within your reach.


You can also visualize the person you want to be and the amount of self-love you wish to embody.


Thus, you can use manifestation and the law of attraction to love yourself more.

Physical Activities For Self-Love


The above-mentioned spiritual self-love activities are the foundation of physical self-love activities. Thus, do not skip them; make sure you do them first.


When you start loving yourself spiritually, it’s time to do the physical activities for self-love.


Physical Exercising


Keeping yourself healthy, fit, and strong is the best way to love your body.


Your body is your gateway to the material world. Every experience or aspiration you have needs you to have a healthy body. Thus, do not forget to do physical exercises regularly.


You can go for an early morning walk or run, after which you can do some stretching and basic exercises for flexibility and strength. If you like exercising, you can also take things to the gym.


Some other physical exercises you can try include cycling, swimming, or going for a trek.


Remember to keep yourself adequately hydrated at all times and not overdo things.


When your body feels healthy and fit, your mind feels happier, and you are capable of more self-love.


Self-Care Activities


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Self-care is a significant self-love activity. It involves taking care of your body (including your mind) in numerous other ways than physical exercising.  


For example, giving special care to your body and sense organs. So, you can care for your eyes by eating more green veggies or getting a relaxing head massage for healthier hair.


Some other self-care activities include taking adequate and timely rest, taking your prescribed medicines on time, or getting a soothing body massage.


Caring for your body a little more gives you a greater sense of self-love and kindness.


Eating Right


We mustn’t stuff our stomachs and body with unhealthy or junk food. It harms our bodies and makes our minds sluggish and foggy.


So, eating fresh, healthy, and green food is a vital self-love activity. 


By doing so, you show self-love and care and prepare yourself for a longer and healthier life.


Cleanliness, Organisation, & Maintenance


Many people do not consider the environment they live in to be important. But it significantly and deeply impacts your subconscious and shows how much you love yourself.


Dirty and cluttered surroundings can give you mental fatigue and push negativity within you. 


It also negatively affects your inner peace and happiness, ultimately reducing your productivity.


Living in an unorganized environment can give you mental chaos and depression in the long term.


Thus, living in a clean and organized environment is essential to feeling loved and cared for by yourself.


Pursuing Your Passion


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Did you choose your passion to be your profession? If yes, you are already doing what you love, which will add to your self-love.


But if you aren’t, you need to understand that life is short and that it is the only one you have.


Switching over to your passion will allow you to live your happiest life. It will make work play, and you can “play” all day as it will feel effortless.


Learning New Things


Learning new things opens up new opportunities and makes you feel good about yourself. It makes you more capable and makes you more optimistic about life.

When you learn new things, you can respect and appreciate yourself more.


In short, being in the learning mode helps you love yourself more.


So, be ready to explore life and enrich yourself in the process, becoming a better version of yourself.




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Can writing be a self-love activity?


Yes. It can serve as a potent self-love activity as it immensely helps with your self-reflection.


But what if you don’t enjoy writing?


You do not journal to enjoy but to bring out your hidden thoughts and emotions.  So, you don’t need to be a writing enthusiast or a great writer to do journaling. You have to focus on benefitting from it.


You can also choose to do bullet journaling, which is minimalistic, quick, and more effective.


Your deep emotions that journaling brings to the fore can be used to love yourself more.




You can keep a self-love journal and write prompts like, “What is stopping me from loving myself?”


And when you get hold of the relevant things, you can work on them.


Making A Daily Routine


People fail to love themselves because of a lack of daily routine. When life seems chaotic and unorganized, you tend to feel lost.


So, organize your life by chalking out a meaningful, balanced, and productive daily routine. 


When you feel life is going in the direction you want it to, loving yourself will become easier.


You can also make an annual or 5-year plan for where you want to be at the end of that period. It will make things more targeted and engaging.


Loving Others


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Self-love in the absence of love becomes self-obsession or narcissism. You may love yourself a lot but might still feel lonely and sad.


Thus, to love yourself, you must also learn how to love others. Our love for others reinforces our love for ourselves, hence helping self-love.


Thus, if you have a great family and social life and a loving partner, it will be easier for you to love yourself.


Self-love and love together will make your life a living heaven!


Entertaining & Enjoying Yourself


Although self-love makes it enjoyable and exciting, you must also remember to pursue your favorite hobbies.


Our hobbies, especially the ones we pursued in childhood, make us come alive. They make us playful and carefree like a child again. You recall how to enjoy the activity without worrying about its quality. And that’s when you can get in touch with your inner child, who already loves you.


So, make sure to keep some of your dearest childhood hobbies alive in adulthood, be it painting, playing in the garden, or stamp collecting.

Practice The Activities For Self Love Consistently


There is always a difference between feeling you love yourself and loving yourself. This difference is ‘Doing the self-love activities.’


So, do not just believe that you love yourself. Start experiencing self-love by doing these self-love activities every day.


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