One Of The Most Important Life Skills
Are you troubled by the thought ‘Why am I so indecisive’?
It’s an important question for a progressive life.
The most important thing in life is to keep moving ahead.
And to move ahead in life, one of the most important things is decision-making.
At every stage of life, we are faced with different paths that we have to choose from.
No path is right or wrong, it’s all about choosing the option that fits our needs and suits our style.
The faster we can make these decisions, the better it is for us as it takes us forward in life much quicker.
People who can hone this skill, live a vibrant and fulfilled life.
But people who remain indecisive are stuck in life like a vicious circle that seems impossible to breach.
Thus, it’s essential to become decisive in life.
We can do this by knowing the reasons behind the indecisiveness of people so that they can remove these causes and become decisive.
So, let’s find the answer to your problem ‘Why am I so indecisive’.
Why Am I So Indecisive
There are 7 basic reasons for the issue of ‘Why am I so indecisive’.
Anxiety & Stress
The first reason behind your problem ‘Why am I so indecisive’ is anxiety & stress.
An anxious mind is an unsteady mind.
And when the mind is unsteady, it cannot be decisive.
It will keep juggling options and keep struggling with them.
Even if you reach a particular decision that is best for you, it will create self-doubts which will bring you back to square one.
You have to wait for a long time before you can finally decide, but it will still not be convincing to you.
Thus, in this case, indecision isn’t your fault.
It’s the anxiety within you that doesn’t let you be decisive.
A stronger form of anxiety is stress which is also responsible for your habit of indecision.
Stress makes you too worried to make any decision.
You go into a state of panic and chaos where making any decision becomes impossible for you.
When you are stressed, just surviving that moment and finding peace again is a big challenge.
So, indecision becomes quite normal when you have stress.
Thus, you need to free yourself of anxiety and stress.
Some of the ways to do this are by letting go of the past, working on your weaknesses, and not fearing failures or the future.
You can also do mental relaxation techniques like meditation and deep breathing exercises.
Also, physical exercises like Yoga, walking & running, and workouts may work well in eliminating anxiety and stress from your system.
When you are no more anxious or stressed, you have overcome the first reason behind the question ‘Why am I so indecisive’.
Lack Of Knowledge
The next reason behind your problem ‘Why am I so indecisive’ is a lack of knowledge.
Knowledge and information play an important role in the decision-making process.
If you do not have all the information about the options you have, you will feel under-confident in coming to a final decision.
You may become completely blank or clueless about what to do.
You will also fear that you may make a wrong decision which may prove costly in the future.
But knowledge of all the possible options isn’t the only thing that stops you from becoming decisive.
The ability to analyze and process this information to arrive at a rational decision is also important.
Thus, along with accessing knowledge, you also need to develop the skill of analysis within yourself.
Knowledge and analysis let you make a fully informed decision in various situations in life.
When you have the necessary knowledge, you have overcome the next reason behind the question ‘Why am I so indecisive’.
Lack Of Courage
The next reason behind your problem ‘Why am I so indecisive’ is a lack of courage.
Fear is a big factor when it comes to making decisions.
Various kinds of fears may make you indecisive.
You may fear that your decision might be wrong and that you may have to pay for it later.
This is the fear that emanates from self-doubt which tells you that you or your decisions may not be good enough.
The next are the fears of uncertainty, criticism, and failure.
Making decisions in uncertainty may be difficult.
Situations keep changing and your decision today may not look satisfactory in the future.
Thus, there is a high probability of failure or your decision coming out to be wrong.
And you fear that when your decisions go wrong, people may judge or criticize you.
So, the fear of uncertainty pushes you into indecision.
The only way out of all kinds of fear that make you indecisive is courage.
You need to be bold and brave enough to do what needs to be done.
You need to forget what may happen in the future.
Thus, you need to be present at this moment and make the best possible decision using all the resources you have.
If your decisions come off, great, but even if they don’t you need to be fearless and willing to learn and improve.
As you keep learning your important lessons, your experience will keep making you better, which will reduce your fear and improve your decision-making.
So, do not let your fears trap you into indecision.
When you have become courageous, you have overcome the next reason behind the question ‘Why am I so indecisive’.
Lack Of Confidence
The next reason behind your problem ‘Why am I so indecisive’ is a lack of confidence.
Confidence is the faith you have in yourself and the decisions you make.
It’s the single most important thing to bring you out of the state of indecision.
When you do not have the confidence, all the information, knowledge, and skills that you have are a waste.
It’s because when you lack the necessary confidence, you don’t see your decisions coming out to be right.
And when you sense failure even before the beginning, you will not be ready to make that decision.
Thus, it’s of critical importance that you develop confidence in yourself and your decisions.
To develop confidence in your decisions, you need three things which are clarity, vision, and belief.
Clarity means the ability to see how your decision will pan out going forward.
Vision means the ability to see how your decision will interact with different situations and challenges.
Belief means to have unconditional faith in your decisions.
It means not to doubt or question the relevance or success of your decision.
Belief in your decisions plays an important role in letting them succeed as your fears are no longer an obstacle in the way.
When you have become confident, you have overcome the next reason behind the question ‘Why am I so indecisive’.
The next reason behind your problem ‘Why am I so indecisive’ is confusion.
When given situations have too many options to choose from, confusion might grip you, hence pushing you into indecision.
When confused with too many decisions to choose from, every option looks equally wrong or equally right.
In this case, indecision isn’t voluntary but imposed on us by the complex situation.
You feel stuck in one place which doesn’t let you arrive at a decision.
But confusions are not as difficult to breach as they seem.
They just require patience and persistence.
When all the options you have seem equally wrong, choose the option that seems right even a little.
That’s your best option.
Similarly, when all the options seem equally right, use the elimination method to keep dropping the options that seem even a little wrong.
The option that is left in the end is your best option.
The best way to overcome confusion while choosing from various options is to give it some time.
With time, you get increasingly relaxed thus gaining more clarity on the situation.
When you are no longer confused, you have overcome the next reason behind the question ‘Why am I so indecisive’.
Dependence On Others
The next reason behind your problem ‘Why am I so indecisive’ is dependence on others.
When you are too dependent on others for many things like money, help, and guidance, you stay indecisive in life.
Dependence doesn’t let you develop mental strength, your style of functioning, or the confidence to make decisions on your own.
Also, when you are dependent on others, you do not develop the necessary sense of responsibility within yourself.
You start looking towards other people in every small or big situation you face, hence keeping you clueless and indecisive.
And when you are financially dependent on others, it’s the biggest physical curtailment on your ability to make your own decisions.
Financial dependence doesn’t let you make your decisions even if you are able enough to make them and badly want to do so.
Thus, it’s important to become independent in all respects as soon as possible.
When you are on your own, you learn to live your life on your terms.
You fail, you fall, but then you rise again to succeed and to keep moving on.
Making your own decisions doesn’t mean making the right decisions right from the start.
It’s a process that you learn from and then finally develop yourself into a good decision-maker.
But for that to happen, you need to become independent and give yourself a chance to prove yourself.
When you have become independent, you have overcome the next reason behind the question ‘Why am I so indecisive’.
Compulsive Perfectionism
The final reason behind your problem ‘Why am I so indecisive’ is compulsive perfectionism or waiting for the best option or the best moment to arrive in your life.
Life is very simple and it needs you to keep choosing the best option in a given moment to keep moving forward.
But people complicate life with the longing for perfection.
They either wait for the “perfect option” or the “perfect moment” to make their decisions, which is an illusion.
They fail to understand that the the best option is already in front of them and the best moment is the moment they are wasting waiting for perfectionism to happen.
And with the longing to become perfect, they become indecisive.
Perfectionism is not an external situation but an internal state.
When you feel great within yourself, everything becomes perfect in your life.
All the options you have to choose from, become perfect.
So, instead of waiting for the right option or the right moment, start loving yourself so that you feel perfect every moment of your life.
When you have given up the urge for perfectionism, you have overcome the final reason behind the question ‘Why am I so indecisive’.
Become Your Stronger-Self
The question ‘Why am I so indecisive’ is a valid one.
Being indecisive not only stagnates your life but it also takes you regressive.
Thus, when you do not make timely decisions and do not move forward, you are pushed backward by life.
This calls for you to give up indecision and become prompt, responsible, and decisive.
To become decisive you have to work on yourself to become stronger and better.
And when you become decisive in life, you start moving forward swiftly in life.
One of the most important benefits of becoming decisive in life is that you become capable of deciding to finally start loving yourself.
And when you become full of self-love, life not only moves forward but starts to take off to touch the skies.
So, become decisive to finally put an end to the question ‘Why am I so indecisive’ and live a vibrant and progressive life.