How To Learn To Trust Yourself Again In 8 Constructive Steps

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Self-Blame Destroys Self-Trust

When you lose trust in yourself, how to learn to trust yourself again?

Trust in self is the most basic form of self-confidence that is needed to live a stable life.

But it’s very fragile to begin with and needs to be strengthened over time.

It may elude you for reasons like a traumatic childhood or a deadly accident that almost took you to the brink.

Also, when you get cheated in a relationship, your trust in yourself gets shaken.

You blame yourself for not choosing the right person for yourself.

Thus, when your trust is broken, your self-trust also takes a hit which is not good news.

The quality of life you live depends on how well you trust yourself.

When you do not trust yourself, you start living in fear all the time for no reason at all.

You start fearing that you will make decisions that will hurt you.

Thus, there is no bigger fear than not trusting yourself.

So, you need to find a way to start trusting yourself again.

This makes the question ‘How to learn to trust yourself again’ really important.

How To Learn To Trust Yourself

how to learn to trust yourself

So, how to learn to trust yourself again?

Forgive Yourself

When you are trying to figure out how to learn to trust yourself again, the first step is to forgive yourself.

Sometimes, we may be very unfair to ourselves.

When anything goes wrong in our lives, we do not take a minute before we blame ourselves for it.

So, if your childhood was traumatic or you met with an accident or you were cheated upon, you stop trusting yourself.

You need to know that whenever something bad or unwarranted thing happens to you, it’s not your fault.

It was someone else and not you who hurt you.

Your only fault was that you could not protect yourself from something bad.

But no one is perfect and you need to give yourself the benefit of the doubt.

The solution lies in preparing yourself for the future and not in losing trust in yourself.

So, forgive yourself so that you can rebuild your trust in yourself.

When you have forgiven yourself, you are done with the first step in knowing how to learn to trust yourself.

Acknowledge The Positives

how to learn to trust yourself

When you are trying to figure out how to learn to trust yourself again, the next step is to remind yourself of the times when trust in yourself proved to be fruitful for you.

It’s very uncommon that you trusted yourself and it didn’t pay off.

Thus, most of the time when you have shown trust in yourself, you have been rewarded.

When you have lost trust in yourself, you need to remember all those times when your self-trust paid off.

Because we are habitual of taking ourselves for granted, we do not even notice all the things that our self-trust accomplishes for us.

We need to be kinder and more compassionate to ourselves and thank ourselves for rewarding us when we trust them.

When you remind yourself of all the times your self-trust bore fruit, it would make it easier for you to trust yourself again.

When you start acknowledging the positives, you are done with the next step in knowing how to learn to trust yourself.

Reconnect With Yourself

When you are trying to figure out how to learn to trust yourself again, the next step is to reconnect with yourself.

When you have lost trust in yourself, you feel separate from yourself and hence very lonely.

When you have forgiven yourself and acknowledged the times when your self-trust bore fruit, it’s time to reconnect with yourself.

Reconnecting with yourself would make you feel whole again.

It will immensely contribute towards you being able to trust yourself again.

To reconnect with yourself, you can engage in self-talk and affirmations.

Tell yourself that you are trying to trust it once again.

Show positivity and tell it that you are hopeful that you will soon be able to trust it again.

You can also apologize to yourself for taking it for granted in the past and losing your trust in it.

Use affirmations like “I will trust myself again soon”, and “I feel reconnected to myself completely”.

You can also write a letter to yourself telling all these things in it.

Also, to reconnect with yourself, you can engage in your hobbies and things you like doing.

When you feel happier from within, you will be able to connect with yourself much better.

When you have reconnected with yourself, you are done with the next step in knowing how to learn to trust yourself.

Train Your Better

how to learn to trust yourself

When you are trying to figure out how to learn to trust yourself again, the next step is to train yourself better for life.

Here, target the reason behind your losing trust in yourself.

Train yourself for life so well that self-trust comes naturally to you.

So, if it was because you were not able to protect yourself from childhood trauma then make yourself mentally very strong.

It would ensure that no one ever gives you any mental scars. 

If it was because you were cheated on by your partner, become so loving that you find the most loving and loyal partner anyone can ever get.

And if it was because of an accident where you were careless, practice driving your car so much that you become the best driver.

When you are trained well for life, self-trust will start returning to your life.

When you have trained yourself better for life, you are done with the next step in knowing how to learn to trust yourself.

Don’t Judge Yourself Too Much

When you are trying to figure out how to learn to trust yourself again, the next step is to not judge yourself too much while training or otherwise.

When you have lost trust in yourself, regaining it has many challenges for you.

When you begin trying to trust yourself again, you will have a lot of self-doubts that may scare you away initially.

You may find yourself judging yourself too much or too harshly.

It may even appear to you that you are not yet ready to trust yourself.

And due to this, the road to start trusting yourself again might become bumpy.

But you have to hang in there and not give up.

With time and effort, you would find your way and the harsh self-judgments would reduce.

When these harsh self-judgments subside, trusting yourself becomes much easier.

When you have stopped judging yourself too harshly, you are done with the next step in knowing how to learn to trust yourself.

Don’t Have Unreasonable Expectations

trust yourself

When you are trying to figure out how to learn to trust yourself again, the next step is to not have unreasonable expectations of yourself while training.

When we are trying to redevelop trust in ourselves, one of the biggest threats is unreasonable expectations.

Since you are just getting started, you may not know how much or how less to expect from yourself.

If you set the threshold too high and you are not able to live up to the expectations, it could give a serious dent in your self-trust recovery process.

Thus, do not have unreasonable expectations from yourself.

The targets you set should be practical, reasonable, and achievable for you.

Pluck the low-hanging fruits first and keep moving ahead.

This way your trust in yourself would keep increasing organically over time.

When you have dropped your unreasonable expectations of yourself, you are done with the next step in knowing how to learn to trust yourself.

Test The Trust Level

When you are trying to figure out how to learn to trust yourself again, the next step is to test yourself to check the level of self-trust you have developed.

If you feel better about your life and yourself, it may be a sign that you have developed self-trust again.

Check whether you have become better equipped to fight the situations of emotional distress and traumatic instances.

If you have grown in mental strength and you do not let anyone belittle you or insult you, you have started trusting yourself again.

If you attract loving and loyal people into your life, your self-trust will grow in size.

Or if you have improved immensely as a driver and are capable of keeping yourself away from accidents and physical damage, your self-trust is back to normal. 

When your self-trust is back to normal, you will feel it within yourself.

You would feel more happy and confident about yourself.

When you have tested your trust levels on yourself, you are done with the next step in knowing how to learn to trust yourself.

Support Yourself

support yourself

When you are trying to figure out how to learn to trust yourself again, the next step is to support yourself some more if you still haven’t developed self-trust.

If the result of the self-trust test isn’t positive yet, do not lose heart, give it some more time.

Stay positive, keep believing, and keep trying a little more every day to trust yourself more.

Show all the support your inner self needs.

Keep talking to yourself and keep doing the right things that you have been doing so far.

When it takes more time than normal to develop self-trust, it means that the scars are deeper than what we initially thought them to be.

But it also means that the self-trust that you will build for yourself now would be much much higher than before.

So, keep supporting yourself till you have finally learned to trust yourself fully.

When you start supporting yourself till you develop self-trust again, you are done with the final step in knowing how to learn to trust yourself.

Positivity Holds The Key

Knowing how to learn to trust yourself again is essential for you.

When you lose trust in yourself, it’s a scary spot to be in.

But you should never give up on the good things.

Positivity is what you need going forward.

Always believe that problems come into our lives to make us teach how to overcome them.

This means your self-trust was lost so that you could deepen and enhance your trust in yourself from before.

Keep taking your own customized small steps towards building your self-trust again.

Face challenges bravely and survive them.

And when you finally learn to trust yourself again, your self-love will also rise once again.

And this feeling of trust and love within you will once again make your life beautiful.

So, know how to learn to trust yourself again and become capable of loving yourself once again.


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