How To Connect With The Universe In 6 Easy Yet Magical Steps 

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Updated On: Jan 22, 2025

Connecting With The Universe

Do you wonder – “How to connect with the universe”?

It may look like an impossible task, but it’s not that difficult to achieve.

We live on planet Earth, which is a part of the universe.

Any change in the universe affects the Earth, which affects us.

This means that the universe also affects us.

The things that can affect us can also be made to yield to us.

Thus, it is believed that if we can connect to the universe, we can have indirect but greater control over our lives.

Connecting to the universe would give us a better understanding of our past, present, and future.

We can understand the signals the universe sends us and then use them to create what we want.

This means that by connecting with the universe, we can manifest all our goals & aspirations in life.

So, how do you connect yourself to the universe?

How To Connect With The Universe

how to connect with the universe

You can connect yourself to the universe in six simple steps.

Understand The Actual Meaning Of The Universe

The first step to connecting yourself with the universe is to understand what the universe is.

The universe is out there and has no apparent end to it.

One certain thing is that we cannot go into the universe to connect with it.

And even if we could go there, there is no possible way to connect with such a large space.

So, what is the way to do it?

The most obvious answer is that we have to connect to the universe mentally.

But how can we connect to it mentally when we haven’t even seen it?

Well, we don’t need to see it as it is within every cell of our bodies.

The universe is made of the same ingredients that we are made of.

This is why we can survive in this universe.

This means our every part is a part of the universe.

So, if we can connect to ourselves, we can connect to the universe hence getting access to it.

Turn Inward

how to connect with the universe

The second step to connect yourself with the universe is to turn inward instead of looking outward.

Trying to connect to the universe externally, as we have already seen, will only frustrate and disappoint us.

Since our only chance to connect to the universe is through ourselves, we need to turn inward.

Turning inward means that we have to look within ourselves and extract the knowledge that dwells within every part of us.

We are naturally outward-oriented but the external world is just a distraction in our way to the knowledge that lies within us.

When we tap this knowledge that resides in every cell of our body, we will also know the universe.

This is when we will be able to connect to the universe.


The third step to connecting yourself to the universe is to meditate.

Upon turning inward, meditation is the way that needs to be adopted to extract the knowledge of ourselves.

When we close our eyes, the distraction from the external world is shut.

The posture and state that meditation puts us into, slowly but surely, start giving us the knowledge we need.

Meditation is a state where we let things happen without any fear of force.

So, initially, a whole lot of questions would arise in your mind.

They may even scare you or trouble you to your core.

But when you do not give up and thus persist in your task, things would start getting easier.

You will get answers to all your questions and a stage would be reached when your mind would become clear and steady.

This is the point where your meditative state begins.

All the questions and the answers you receive will be the knowledge of you and the universe.

This will help you connect to the universe.

Chant Powerful Mantras

self love

The fourth step to connecting yourself with the universe is to chant powerful mantras.

Meditation isn’t the only way to connect to yourself and hence to the universe.

Meditation lightens your mind by letting you find the answers to some difficult and perplexing questions of life.

But you also need to create positive vibrations within yourself that connect you to the universe.

One such powerful mantra is that of OM.

Chanting OM creates vibrations in the body that resonate with the sounds of the universe.

Thus, it creates the same frequency within you that is found in the depths of the universe.

It makes you realize that the universe indeed resides within you.

Also, after you have chanted OM, you will notice a deep sense of calm and peace within you that is similar to that present in the universe.

Thus, the chanting of powerful mantras helps you deeply connect with the universe and its characteristics.

Open Up

The fifth step to connecting yourself with the universe is to open up.

When you have received all the answers to the life questions and you have created the positive vibrations of the universe within yourself, your mind & body will start opening up.

One reason for this is that all the negative emotions within you that block your mind & body would have left you.

You will be filled with peace, truth, and freedom within you.

You will feel yourself to be in the lap of nature or the universe itself.

The emptiness of the universe or the space would be felt within you.

Your mind & body will be completely open and you will be ready to connect with the universe.

Connect With The Universe

connect with the universe

The sixth and final step to connecting yourself with the universe is to finally connect with the universe.

When you have the required knowledge, positive vibrations, and complete openness within you, you will be able to connect with the universe.

Whatever you look at, you will extract knowledge of that particular thing.

You would have understood the source of creation, the journey or the process, and the ultimate of everything in this universe.

This would give you the “perfect knowledge” of your life.

Thus, you will have the knowledge of the whole universe with you as the universe was created based on the same principles.

And when you know about the universe, you will understand its signs for you.

You will know the future course of your life that you will have sufficient control over.

At this point, you would have learned to connect with the universe.

Connect With Yourself 

The question ‘How to connect with the universe’ is exciting and useful.

The universe may be too large but it is also rolled into the smallest part of your body.

When you understand yourself and connect to your deepest self, you also get connected to the universe.

And when you are connected to the universe, your capability to love yourself also becomes infinite.

The universe becomes your playground and self-love becomes your license to get playful in life.

This allows you to live a fulfilled life that is of the highest possible quality.


How do you start trusting the universe?

To trust the universe, you need to understand its nature and connection with you. The universe has been there for a very long time. It created you to fulfill a purpose. It feeds and nourishes you, gives you signs, and listens to you when you want something from it. It will always be with you to guide you.

You don’t have to go to space to open up to the universe. The universe is already and always listening to you. Thus, think and talk responsibly. Please don’t be negative and only say what you want from it. If you want to ask specifically for something, address it directly to the universe, and it will grant your wishes.

Always assume the universe is talking to you because it is. Observe yourself and your surroundings intently for various signs. If you do not understand them, do not get impatient and give it some time. You can also tell the universe for more significant insights or more signs. You can also ask the universe to fulfill your wishes.

The universe always gives you signs when you need them. When you feel confused, it gives you subtle signs telling you which path or option to choose. When you see them, you know it’s a sign. So, stay alert, catch the signs, trust the universe, and follow the shown path to move in the right direction.

The best time to connect with the universe is at night, especially around 3.40 – 4.00 am. You can feel the universe around you when the sky is dark, and the stars are bright. Also, nights are relatively more peaceful, which makes you spiritually more powerful. The calmer the moment, the better it is to connect with the universe.

Spirituality relates to the soul, so you need to overlook your physical existence to tap into your spirituality. Spirituality allows you to connect with your spirit and gain knowledge about it. It tells you the secrets to living a fulfilled life. It tells you you are complete and don’t need to run behind material attractions.

The universe is trying to tell you your next step in life’s journey. It might give you clues regarding what’s stopping you from moving ahead. It will also give you the strength and confidence to break the shackles. Finally, it tells you how to take you to the next level of life.

You are a part of the universe, and the whole universe resides within you. So, to pray to the universe to give you something, you must fill yourself with the desire for that. The best way to do this is through manifestation using the law of attraction. Use affirmations, positive self-talk, and journaling to activate them.

The universe controls our planet and everything on it. Nothing can move independently; the universe uses them to communicate with you. So, observe everything around you or the things happening with you to know what the universe is trying to say. Remember, the ultimate sign is your intuition.

The final sign is always your intuition. One may see the same signs very differently. For example, if you are confused about whether to break up with your partner or not, your best friend might break up with their partner. At that moment, you will know whether or not you want the same thing for yourself.

The universe is already and always listening to you. To ensure it yields to you, you need to raise the frequency and intensity of your message. To do this, you need to get highly focused and targeted. Think, listen, talk, and write only about your wish and nothing else. Stay away from negativity and start breathing your wish.

Stop having rigid goals and trying too hard to accomplish them. Just observe the changes within and in your surroundings and let plans and goals form independently. This way, you will learn to let go and function only according to the signs given to you by the universe. It will provide you with the best possible life.

Your life is such that wherever you may be in the universe, you are always at its center. This is why you function based on your own wisdom and choices and not someone else’s. Being at the center of the universe also means that you are directly connected to it and constantly communicating with it.

To manifest something instantly, plant its seed into your mind as a thought and then let it go. If you want it, it will keep showing itself to you everywhere and in all situations. It will create a positive force of attraction within you for that wish, thus eventually manifesting it for you.

  • You will keep thinking about them all day long.
  • You will miss them a lot.
  • You will see them in your dreams.
  • You will find reasons to be with them.
  • They will appear out of nowhere to you.
  • Despite all the trouble, you will still want them.
  • They will feel the same things for you.

You should ask the universe for true love with a genuine and clean heart. Pray to the universe by saying, ‘Please send my soulmate into my life.’ Also, use positive affirmations like ‘I deserve true love,’ ‘I will find true love soon,’ ‘I will soon meet my soulmate,’ and ‘True love is about to come into my life.’

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