Men Too Need Self Improvement
Every man needs to know how to be a better man to make their life easier.
Everybody thinks that it’s an easy job being a man.
That’s a myth.
From a distance, everything seems rosy in a man’s life.
It looks like he gets what he wants without breaking a sweat.
That’s not true either.
He may have many things in life but he also has to work hard for everything just like others.
He also has to work on himself, strive for self-improvement, and vouch for getting better consistently.
Self-improvement in men is with regards to two areas.
First, he has to improve so that his own life gets easier and better.
Second, he has to improve so that the lives of the people around him get better.
A man can get better in three ways.
The first way is to give up his outdated or destructive traits.
The second way is to improve upon his existing traits.
And the third way is to inculcate new and superior traits within himself.
How To Be A Better Man?
What are the traits that tell how to be a better man?
Stop Being A Tough Guy
The first thing that men need to do to know how to be a better man is to give up the idea of being a tough guy.
Men enjoy their image as tough people.
They like to make people believe that they are really strong and sturdy both from within and on the outside.
Sometimes, they do it to impress people and get their compliments.
At other times, they just like to see people respecting them for their strength and resilience.
But there is a price men pay for their strong image.
They have to tolerate a lot of pressure inside them to maintain this image.
They have to take a lot of risks to show they are strong, even when they are not capable or want to do so.
Also, they have to hide their emotions and sentiments constantly which is very unhealthy for their mental health.
It also makes men feel lonely all the time but they can’t do anything about it.
Thus, it’s better to give up your fake image and start living your real life which is much easier.
Moreover, strength doesn’t lie in doing what you can’t do, sometimes it lies in accepting that you are vulnerable and not perfect.
Thus, when you give up being a tough guy you get yourself closer to knowing how to be a better man.
Give Up Being Rigid
The second thing that men need to do to know how to be a better man is to give up being rigid.
Men tend to stick to their thoughts, choices, and their particular way of functioning at any cost.
They fear that giving up their fixed ways would weaken their personality and their superiority over others.
But rigidity does more harm than it does good to men.
It causes a lot of stress that sometimes becomes unbearable.
It gives you a lot of pain and suffering too.
Being rigid makes you unnatural, forceful, and impractical in your approach to life.
And it drives away people from your surroundings and ultimately from your life.
Thus, the sooner a man gives up his rigid ways, the better he becomes.
Greater flexibility and openness are always a better alternative for a man.
It enhances your capabilities, relieves you of all the pain and stress, and makes you someone who is loved and respected.
Thus, when you give up rigidity, you get yourself closer to knowing how to be a better man.
Be Less Competitive
The next thing that men need to do to know how to be a better man is to be less competitive.
They need to give up their constant need to be better than others.
Men are overly competitive.
They keep comparing themselves to everyone around them, especially in matters relating to money, wealth, and power.
This habit of comparisons constantly keeps a negative feeling of discontent and fight within them.
They are never able to relax or feel peaceful within themselves.
They are also not able to have a healthy and good time with other people or make genuine friends among them.
And in the end, men are left lonely and miserable.
Their over-competitive nature also makes society and the world too stressful and a less friendlier place.
Thus, there is a need for men to be a little less competitive and a lot more friendlier.
It could make their lives more relaxed and the world a better place to live.
When you become less competitive, you get yourself closer to knowing how to be a better man.
Be More Peaceful
The next thing that men need to do to know how to be a better man is to become more peaceful.
There is a lot of stress in a man’s life.
He either acts based on it or he keeps the stress inside.
In both cases, stress proves to be counterproductive to him and his environment.
If he relieves himself of the stress, it would come out in the form of anger or ugly arguments, hence causing chaos around him.
And if he keeps it inside, it’s unhealthy for his mind and body.
But if he can learn to handle stress better by becoming more peaceful, it can be a great thing.
Men are productive by nature and if peace is made the source of it, there can be nothing better.
It would make men happier and even more productive.
Peaceful men would be able to do more amount of work with a higher quality and variety.
Thus, when you become more peaceful, you get yourself closer to knowing how to be a better man.
Show More Compassion
The next thing that men need to do to know how to be a better man is to be able to show more compassion.
Men are emotionally not very expressive.
Thus, men do have compassion but due to their inability to express it, it has taken a backseat.
Thus, they do not appear to be gentle, kind, or generous to people.
If they can break all the barriers to their emotional expression, they could improve themselves drastically.
Compassion towards other living creatures will make them grow as a person.
It would also teach them to be compassionate with their selves hence enhancing their self love quotient.
Adding to your capabilities always makes you better.
Thus, when men become capable of expressing themselves and being compassionate, they get closer to knowing how to be a better man.
Respect Others
The next thing that men need to do to know how to be a better man is to respect people who are weaker than them.
When you are stronger than others in some respect, it becomes difficult to respect them.
It’s a real test of your character.
You cannot improve and go to the next level in life until you learn to be respectful to others.
But if & when you can do so, it opens up the doors of personal and financial growth for you.
Thus, when you respect people who are weaker than you, you get yourself closer to knowing how to be a better man.
Be A Man Of Principles
The next thing that men need to do to know how to be a better man is to have principles in life and stay true to them.
When you don’t have principles, you do not have a definite path of personal or professional growth.
You are all over the place and you are also prone to going on the wrong track.
Setting principles shapes your character and following them builds your personality.
They tell you what you have to do and what you should avoid doing while you are on your path toward your goals.
But remember that these principles should not make you stressed and compulsive.
Traits that are made a part of you forcefully, become a burden and not an asset.
Thus, your principles should become a natural part of your personality.
To let this happen, do not impose your principles on yourself, and also be flexible with them to the right extent.
Having the right principles and letting them guide you in life makes you a man – a man with integrity and righteousness.
Thus, when you become a man of principles, you get yourself closer to knowing how to be a better man.
Be More Spiritual
The last thing that men need to do to know how to be a better man is to be more spiritual.
A man’s basic character is material.
He has a knack for expansion in everything he does.
This is why he is after wealth and power and keeps trying to gather them as much as possible.
He wants to conquer the world and rule it.
This insatiable quest within him keeps him on his toes all the time.
It makes him do all kinds of things, both right and wrong.
But in the end, he realizes that his life lacks true meaning and purpose.
Despite having every physical resource, he still feels empty and lonely within himself.
This is why he needs spirituality to balance his life and give him the much-needed stability and satisfaction.
Spirituality makes a man’s life more balanced and thus more meaningful.
Thus, when you become more spiritual as a man, you get yourself closer to knowing how to be a better man.
Balance Makes A Man Better
Knowing how to be a better man has a simple rule.
A man needs balance to become better.
He cannot limitlessly go on growing the traits and qualities he already has.
For this reason, he has to drop the wrong traits, increase the right ones, and adopt the superior ones in his life.
He requires some of the feminine traits like compassion, balance, and spirituality so that he becomes complete in himself.
When a man starts becoming more balanced and complete in his life, he keeps getting better continuously, thus enhancing his self love infinitely.
And these rising levels of self love within a man keep him on the path of betterment forever.