Why Do Bad Things Happen To Good People: 15 Amazing Secrets

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Is Life Unfair?

Why do bad things happen to good people?

Have you ever given it a thought?

Life isn’t considered to be fair by many.

People think that good people should always get all the good things while bad people should be punished.

But God’s world has different rules it runs by.

Here, the good people have to go through a lot of difficulties and challenges while for the bad ones life is much easier.

It may seem unfair but this rule has its reasons.

And upon learning these reasons you would start believing this rule of God to be as fair as it can be.

Why Do Bad Things Happen To Good People

why do bad things happen to good people

So, let’s check out the reasons why bad things happen to good people.

To Test Them

The first answer to ‘Why do bad things happen to good people’ is because God wants to test their mettle.

Good things need to be deserved before you can have them sustainably in your life.

So, God wants to test you whether you have it in you to stand the test.

He tests you in various ways and for different durations of time from time to time.

He checks whether you give up your good ways when difficulties strike you or you get even better.

And when you pass the test by crossing all the hurdles, he gives you what you truly deserve.

Thus, God’s wish to test good people is the first possible answer to ‘Why do bad things happen to good people’.

To Keep Them Good

The second answer to ‘Why do bad things happen to good people’ is that God wants to ensure that they remain good people.

Sometimes, when too many good things happen to you too early, you lose your way.

You start taking things for granted thus becoming weak and undeserving.

You may also change paths to start walking on the bad route.

So, God wants to give you the right things only when there is no more chance of you deviating from the right path.

He doesn’t want to lose a good child which he ensures by giving you good things only at the right moment.

Thus, God’s wish to keep good people good is the second possible answer to ‘Why do bad things happen to good people’.

For a Wholesome Experience of Life

The next answer to ‘Why do bad things happen to good people’ is that God wants to give them a wholesome experience of life.

God has created a life that is vast, deep, and full of variety and beauty.

Anyone who gets this rich and wholesome experience will get the knowledge and experience that can make his life fulfilled.

It would make navigation through life easy for that person. 

The rich knowledge of life would also help him accomplish great things.

It would free him of all the worries and mental trouble a normal person has to go through.

And this path to wholesome knowledge also includes difficulties and struggles.

This is why it seems that bad things happen to good people.

But actually, the bad things enrich you and make you capable of a higher quality of life.

Thus, God’s wish to give good people a wholesome life experience is the next possible answer to ‘Why do bad things happen to good people’.

God’s Favourite Children

The next answer to ‘Why do bad things happen to good people’ is because they are God’s favorite children.

This may seem ironic.

Generally, it should be that the favorite children of God get to get all the good things in life.

But the reality is that God wants their favorite children to have the good things but only through the right path.

Getting what you don’t deserve would not be right and it would also give you a lot of trouble in the future.

And God doesn’t want that to happen to you.

So, he is building you in the right way so that you become a complete person who deserves what he has.

God wants you to have a meaningful life and not just a life that is good.

It’s because if you have all the good things but haven’t worked your way to them, they wouldn’t mean anything to you.

These things would make you miserable.

So, God loves you the most and wants the best things for you in the best way.

This means that good people like you have to learn to be patient and believe in their respective journeys.

Thus, Good people being the favorite children of God is the next possible answer to ‘Why do bad things happen to good people’.

To Make Learn To Stay Positive

why do bad things happen to good people

The next answer to ‘Why do bad things happen to good people’ is to teach them to stay positive.

Staying positive is probably the biggest strength a person can have in his life.

When he learns to stay positive, he can traverse through any number of challenges and obstacles in life.

It doesn’t matter how big or difficult the challenge is, positive people are the ones who have the last laugh.

But staying positive doesn’t apply only during good times.

You have truly learned to stay positive only when you can show positivity even during the worst times of your life.

So, good people have to go through bad things so that they can learn to stay positive during this time.

This is why you must have noticed in life that good people are generally the ones who are positive and hopeful all the time.

Bad people or who are always critical of others become extremely negative which ultimately becomes the cause of their downfall and failures.

Negative people become too negative whenever they face a big challenge.

Thus, next time when bad things happen to you, train yourself to stay positive as that’s the purpose behind putting you in that situation.

So, teaching good people to stay positive is the next possible answer to ‘Why do bad things happen to good people’.

To Make Them The Best 

The next answer to ‘Why do bad things happen to good people’ is to make them the best among the lot.

Do you know only why 1-2% rise to the top of the ladder in any field?

Also, why do only 1% of people become successful in life?

Are they just lucky or is it something about them that makes them reach the top?

They reach the top not because they do not face challenges in their lives.

They face more challenges and difficulties than anyone else.

But they do not complain about their situation and they do not give up.

They take all the bad things that happen to them in their stride and keep moving forward.

And this is another reason why bad things happen to good people i.e. to make them reach the top.

Because good people know how to use bad things as opportunities, they become the best of the lot everywhere.

People who do not get challenges or bad things do not ever reach the top anywhere.

Thus, if you look closely, bad things are the stepping stones to success which are deserved and ably handled only by good people.

Thus, it would help if you did not complain about bad things happening to you.

Instead, you should take them in your stride and use them to get constantly better at life.

So, making good people the best among the lot is the next possible answer to ‘Why do bad things happen to good people’.

To Make Them A Silent Warrior

bad things happen to good people 

The next answer to ‘Why do bad things happen to good people’ is to give them the silent warrior spirit.

Sometimes, people might be good but they are not able to handle challenges peacefully.

This makes them appear as bad to others.

Their angry nature also stalls their progress hence keeping them unsuccessful.

Sometimes, their anger also makes bad things happen to them.

Anger itself is not such a good thing.

And when good people carry anger within them, they aren’t able to invite good things into their lives.

Thus, bad things happen to good people one after the other so that they can learn and adopt peaceful ways of solving their problems.

And when they do, from raging warriors they become silent warriors their paths ahead open up.

So, making good people silent warriors is the next possible answer to ‘Why do bad things happen to good people’.

To Make Them Learn & Grow Fast

The next answer to ‘Why do bad things happen to good people’ is to make them learn and grow fast.

It’s a widely known fact that nothing makes you learn and grow more than challenges and bad times.

This is also one of the biggest reasons why good people have to face bad things more.

Good people deserve good things and they deserve them fast and early in their lives.

Thus, bad things happen to them to allow them to do so.

Good people do not get bogged down by bad things or even if they do, they recover very quickly.

And when they have recovered, they start using that bad thing as a big opportunity to grow themselves fast.

So, making good people learn and grow fast is the next possible answer to ‘Why do bad things happen to good people’.

To Make Them Stronger

why do bad things happen to good people

The next answer to ‘Why do bad things happen to good people’ is to make them stronger.

Bad things in the form of challenges, obstacles, and problems, hit you hard initially.

Bad things make bad people give up very quickly as they make them further weaker.

But for good people, bad things work as something favorable or beneficial to them.

Bad things or experiences gradually start turning into one of their biggest strengths.

They make good people believe that if they could survive that bad thing, they could survive anything else too.

Thus, bad things eventually add to your overall mental toughness and physical prowess thus contributing in a big way towards your success.

So, making good people stronger is the next possible answer to ‘Why do bad things happen to good people’.

To Tap Their Full Potential

The next answer to ‘Why do bad things happen to good people’ is to tap their full potential.

You must have heard the quote “With great power comes great responsibilities”.

Well, another less popular but related quote is “With great challenges comes great power”.

Good people are full of potential and possibilities, not only for themselves but also for the people around them and the world as a whole.

But often their hidden valuable capabilities remain untapped.

They are brought to the fore only when severe challenges are faced by them or when these qualities or skills are needed the most.

Thus, bad things happen to good people so that their precious skills and capabilities can get activated and thus help everyone.

So, tapping the full potential of good people is the next possible answer to ‘Why do bad things happen to good people’.

To Give Them Better Things

The next answer to ‘Why do bad things happen to good people’ is to give them better things.

Sometimes, when we lose something or don’t get what we want, we are devastated.

But a little later in life, we realize the purpose behind that “bad thing” that happened to us.

The purpose was to give you something better than that thing.

Sometimes, it’s not possible to give you something better without taking the bad things in your life.

We may have gotten attached to that thing and may feel disappointed at that moment when they are taken away from us.

But when we get something better which we hadn’t expected in our wildest dreams, we discover why bad things happen to good people. 

So, giving good people better things is the next possible answer to ‘Why do bad things happen to good people’.

To Make Them Victorious

bad things happen to good people

The next answer to ‘Why do bad things happen to good people’ is to make them victorious eventually.

The more popular thought is that the bad people keep winning and the good people keep losing.

But winning and losing are very subjective things.

Those who are winning in the present moment aren’t the winners.

Winners are those who win the game eventually.

And people to whom bad things happen all along their journeys are generally the ones who have the last laugh.

It’s an unsaid law of nature.

So, bad things happen to good people so that they can learn from it, grow stronger, and thus become the eventual winners.

Thus, making good people the eventual winners is the next possible answer to ‘Why do bad things happen to good people’.

To Maintain The Balance of Nature

The next answer to ‘Why do bad things happen to good people’ is that the balance of nature needs to be maintained.

Life is composed of both good and bad things.

The bad people are experts at having their way somehow by hook or crook.

Somebody has to take the burden and responsibility for the bad things.

Thus, maintaining the balance in nature is the next possible answer to ‘Why do bad things happen to good people’.

To Make Them World Leaders

The next answer to ‘Why do bad things happen to good people’ is to make them the true leaders of the world.

True leaders aren’t those who get the throne or the ones who rule over us.

It’s the people who may not be in important positions but are still running this world through their dedication, commitment, and sacrifices.

If no one took the burden of the bad things, the world and its various structures would have collapsed in no time.

But some good people take this responsibility upon their shoulders.

Thus, they are the true leaders who are running the world.

So, bad things happen to good people because only they can take the responsibilities that come with these bad things.

Thus, making good people true world leaders is the next possible answer to ‘Why do bad things happen to good people’.

To Give Them Sustainable Success

bad things happen to good people

The next answer to ‘Why do bad things happen to good people’ is to give them sustainable success.

Many times success is short-lived.

People achieve something, are happy for some time, and then they again drown themselves in misery.

This is not true success.

True success is that which stays with you forever and it comes only through true victories.

When bad things happen to good people but they keep moving ahead unhindered and unscarred, that is what true success is.

It gives you soul satisfaction and a smile that always stays on your face.

In this condition, even if failure comes, it doesn’t matter.

And if you succeed, that is true success.

Thus, true success is when it is sustainable and success is sustainable only when you have satisfaction inside of you.

And this satisfaction can only be found within good people as they have navigated through bad things with a smile on their faces.

Hence, bad things happen to good people to give them sustainable and eternal success that stays within their souls.

Thus, giving good people sustainable success is the next possible answer to ‘Why do bad things happen to good people’.

Bad Things Happen With A Purpose

‘Why do bad things happen to good people’ is a very interesting question.

The answer to it is even more interesting.

Bad things happen to good people for a reason and this reason is to make them better.

Now, you must have realized that bad things that happen to good people are good and even great things.

This means that life is very fair and it gives you precisely what you deserve.

Thus, you should choose to be good and not complain about the bad things that happen to you.

When you are a good person, it’s you who will eventually win the battle of life.

Your self love has a big role in keeping you a good person.

Self love is the torch that guides you through the darkness in life unscathed.

And when you remain good and true to yourself even after going through life’s challenges, you earn your self-respect.

All this enhances your self love many times more which adds to your power to face life’s challenges bravely and efficiently.

The effect of bad things reduces further on you and you become an even better person.

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