Living In A Society
Learning how to be yourself around others can be tricky.
The life of a human being is very short.
You have too many things to accomplish and everything has to be done well.
The only way this challenging task may be accomplished is when you can stay within yourself.
So, first, you have to achieve yourself and then have the courage to always be yourself.
When you are alone, it’s easier to be yourself.
But when you live in a society, you need to learn to be yourself around people.
It’s possible that when around people, your personality gets suppressed or weakened.
This may affect your ability to stay calm & peaceful which will ultimately affect the quality of your work and life.
So, it’s important to know how to be yourself around others.
How can we do this?
How To Be Yourself Around Others
Let’s look at the 6 effective ways to figure out how to be yourself around others.
Ignore People
The first way to learn ‘How to be yourself around others’ is to ignore people.
The simplest and the best way to be yourself around others is to act as if nobody is around you.
You just need to be like you are when you are alone unless you need to interact with them.
What you have to do is not look at people at all when you are around them.
Stay focused on your thing and do not get distracted by their presence at all.
You will have the required minimum consciousness about the presence of people around you.
This minimum consciousness will help you not do anything silly or private.
And at the same time, it will give you the freedom to be yourself around people.
Be To The Point
The next way to learn ‘How to be yourself around others’ is to be to the point while interacting with people.
It’s relatively easier to be yourself around people unless you have to interact with them.
But when you have to talk to them, it’s easier to get carried away and lose yourself in the process.
Negative people may influence you negatively while people who are more positive than you may make you feel to be in a weaker position.
This may give you a tendency to act in a way that doesn’t represent who you are.
And you will not be able to be yourself anymore.
Thus, to be yourself around others, be to the point while interacting with them.
Say exactly the thing you need to say and keep the conversation short & precise.
This will prevent you from getting influenced by them hence letting you preserve your individuality and personality.
Feel Free To Disagree
The next way to learn ‘How to be yourself around others’ is to feel free to disagree with people.
Many people feel the pressure to agree with other people.
And they reach a stage where they develop the habit of agreeing to the things they do not believe in.
When you agree to people’s opinions that you don’t agree with, it’s not just a polite demeanor.
It amounts to you giving up your own opinions and beliefs.
It makes you confused in the short run.
In the long run, it may cause you to lose the person you are.
It will not let you be yourself around others.
On the other hand, when you can disagree with people when you feel the need to, it strengthens your personality and hence your ability to be yourself around others.
Do Not Be A People-Pleaser
The next way to learn ‘How to be yourself around others’ is to not try to please people.
Some people have a compulsive need to please people with their words.
In return, they either expect compliments or some favor from other people.
So, they keep saying good things about others endlessly so that people get impressed by them.
But when you try to please people by going out of the way, you do things that take you away from who you are.
So, to get certain types of favors from people, you have to pay the price in the form of losing yourself.
The more you say good things about others that you don’t mean, the more you move away from your true self.
And in the end, you are not able to be yourself around others.
So, compliment people only when necessary and with the true things.
It will help you be yourself around others.
Learn To Say ‘No’
The next way to learn ‘How to be yourself around others’ is to learn to say ‘no’ to people.
It’s difficult for some people to say ‘no’ to others.
So, they agree to give favors to people even when they are not in a position to do so.
But they repent and curse themselves later on for not being able to refuse to give undue favors to others.
When you cannot say things in line with what you are capable and incapable of doing, it won’t let you stay yourself.
So, when you learn to say ‘no’ to the things you cannot help people with, it shows your capability to be genuinely yourself.
There should not be any shame or embarrassment in doing so because you are just being yourself.
Thus, to be yourself around others, learn to say ‘no’ to people when you are not in a position to extend favors to them.
Do Not Argue Or Fight
The last way to learn ‘How to be yourself around others’ is not to be dragged into an argument or fight.
When you refuse to agree with people or give them favors they need from you, they may try to drag you into ugly arguments or fights.
You have to keep your cool and remember not to give in to the temptation to give it back to them.
Nothing stops you from being yourself more than getting into ugly brawls.
When you are angry and lashing out at somebody, you go away from being yourself very quickly.
In the heat of that moment, it may seem justified and the right thing to do.
It may also feel that you are still being yourself.
But when you calm down, you realize your ability to stay peaceful and do things normally has been compromised.
You are no more yourself.
So, no matter how tempting it might get, do not get into arguments or fights.
If you can stay in the most challenging times, you have learned how to be yourself around others.
Develop Self-Control
You have truly learned to be yourself only if you have found out how to be yourself around others.
And to achieve this, you have to have complete control over yourself.
Do not do things that aren’t a natural part of your behavior and do not be dragged out of being yourself by people.
When you have learned to be yourself around others, you no longer would let anyone harm or hurt you.
Your self-love will always be infinite and active which will let you feel on top of the world.
So, learn how to be yourself around others and fill your life with everlasting self-love.