Disclaimer: The information provided in this article about depression, extreme sadness, and loneliness is for informational purposes only and is not intended to replace professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of a qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. If you are in crisis or need immediate help, please contact a mental health professional or call emergency services.
The Horrors Of Depression
Do you know that healing depression for life is possible?
The way to do it is unique and unheard of.
Life comes with its ups and downs.
There are moments when we experience a deep sense of elation.
But there are also moments when we feel extreme sadness.
But sometimes these moments of happiness and sadness extend to longer periods.
When we remain trapped in extreme sadness for a considerable amount of time, it’s a sign of depression.
Some major causes of depression include prolonged illness, trauma, and failures.
It can also be hereditary or the result of some medications.
Depression is a result of a lack of exposure or expression in life that traps you in agony.
Depression makes you mentally fragile.
Its typical features are constant fatigue, physical inactivity, and feeling sleepy all the time.
Also, a person suffering from depression doesn’t like to meet or stay in touch with people, hence keeping them stuck in loneliness & despair.
A person who is in depression feels as if he will never be able to come out of it.
But depression is not only curable but it can also be healed for life.
Thus, you can ensure that depression never troubles you again.
So, let’s find out how healing depression for life can be made possible.
Healing Depression For Life
You can make healing depression for life possible in three simple steps.
Do Not Use Force
The first step for healing depression for life is to not try to come out of it forcefully.
It’s important to know why depression happens.
Depression may be seen as a mental condition but if we look at it normally, it’s just a way of balancing your life.
Depression is found most in the people who remain happy all the time.
So, either depression is already hidden in their happiness or it hits them to balance out their happiness.
It doesn’t mean that you should not be happy, it just means that happiness should be felt within more than expressing it externally.
When happiness is genuine, balanced, and natural, depression is less likely to happen.
Coming back to our point, depression comes into one’s life to balance out the extreme happiness in one’s life.
This makes depression a natural process and fighting anything natural is neither wise nor possible.
The more you try to fight it, the more you will keep falling into it.
Thus, depression is like that swamp that pulls you in as much as you try to push yourself out of it.
So, never try to fight your way out of depression.
That’s the first rule for healing depression for life.
Use Depression To Your Benefit
The second step for healing depression for life is to learn to use it to your benefit.
Everything in life can be used positively and to your benefit, even depression.
It’s unfortunate that we turn too negative when we are faced with challenges and forget that it can be used to our benefit.
The nature of the benefits we can extract from depression is both mental and physical.
The first benefit that we can extract from depression is to become stronger mentally.
Depression is one of the darkest times in one’s life.
During this time, not even a single ray of hope or light is visible.
It feels like we will never recover from the condition.
But the silver lining here is that if we can stay sensible and survive it, life will become very easy going forward.
Nothing will ever bother us again.
We will have the experience of defeating the biggest mental challenge which will be a constant source of strength to us for the rest of our lives.
The second benefit of depression is that it makes us peaceful.
Peace is synonymous with depression.
But a major difference sets them apart.
Peace is a positive concept while depression is a negative condition.
But this also means that if we can survive depression we will develop utmost inner peace within ourselves.
When you go through the “peace” while in depression, you inherently learn to be more peaceful.
And this peace will help you big time in the future to stay steady in the most challenging situations of life.
The final benefit of depression is related to the ability to be physically active.
When we are in depression, we become extremely physically inactive.
But if we can be a little brave and keep doing small things, like watering the plants or feeding the birds, that do not require too much effort, it will help us in the future.
If we can “punch above our weight” when in depression, it will give us the mental and physical strength to continue doing so when we recover from depression.
It can help you fulfill all your wishes in life going forward and hence help you use depression to your benefit.
And the most important thing, being even a little active physically while in depression, will go a long way in helping you recover quickly from it.
Thus, using depression to our benefit will help you in healing depression for life.
You will no longer be scared of depression which will end its existence for you or in your life.
Sleep It Off
The third step for healing depression for life is to sleep it off.
When a person is in depression, he feels sleepy all the time.
But he tries to avoid sleeping too much or gets fed up with it.
This is not the right thing to do.
When you have depression, let nature take control of you and heal you.
Do not try to avoid or fight depression or excessive sleepiness.
Sleep as much as you can.
The reason why depression happens to you in the first place is to heal you from within via sleep.
So, sleep until depression gets exhausted and leaves you.
When you heal fully from depression by way of sleeping it off, you now know the way to come out of depression naturally which is as good as healing depression for life.
Learn The Important Lesson
Healing depression for life is a big respite.
But depression happens for a reason which is to teach us an important life lesson.
This lesson is to slow down and find inner peace.
When we learn this all-important lesson, it goes a long way in healing depression for life.
And when you get healed of depression, you once again become free to love yourself and take care of yourself.
You start valuing yourself more which helps you make your life worth living.
So, prepare yourself for healing depression for life and start living a fulfilled life.